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Laura Robinson/Sills Diary, 1913

Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_09.pdf

Revision as of Nov 16, 2023, 2:24:36 AM
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Revision as of Jul 10, 2024, 6:44:26 PM
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Line 3: Line 3:
went around with school petition
went around with school petition
20th I hew. Perfect day. Aley & I in {Unclear} went to Nafance. I was calling in neighbour in afternoon.
20th Thur. Perfect day. Alex & Tom Queen went to Napanee. I was calling in neighbour in afternoon.
21st I {unclear}I {unclear}. Worked. Aley & I went to church.
21st Fri. Fine. Washed. Alex & I went to church.
22nd I
22nd Sat. Rained. sleet storm. Father went to town to meet Uncle {Aylin?} but he had gone to Bath Uncle Will Aunt Maude & Raymond here for tea.
23nd Sun. Perfect day. sleighing. Uncle Max, Aunt Molly & Uncle {Aylin?} came. Fletcher, Nellie & boys here for tea.
24th Mon. Fine. Father & Alex took bull to town. All up to Fletchers in evening.
25th Tue. Perfect day. Uncle Aylin & father up to Queens in A.M. to see Mrs. Queen who is sick & Alex & men to Bath in afternoon to horse races. Father & Uncle Aylin up to Fletchers.

Revision as of Jul 10, 2024, 6:44:26 PM


went around with school petition

20th Thur. Perfect day. Alex & Tom Queen went to Napanee. I was calling in neighbour in afternoon.

21st Fri. Fine. Washed. Alex & I went to church.

22nd Sat. Rained. sleet storm. Father went to town to meet Uncle {Aylin?} but he had gone to Bath Uncle Will Aunt Maude & Raymond here for tea.

23nd Sun. Perfect day. sleighing. Uncle Max, Aunt Molly & Uncle {Aylin?} came. Fletcher, Nellie & boys here for tea.

24th Mon. Fine. Father & Alex took bull to town. All up to Fletchers in evening.

25th Tue. Perfect day. Uncle Aylin & father up to Queens in A.M. to see Mrs. Queen who is sick & Alex & men to Bath in afternoon to horse races. Father & Uncle Aylin up to Fletchers.

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