Laura Robinson/Sills Diary, 1913
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Diary 1913
{preprinted Title: The Peerless}
{preprinted - Student's Name:} Laura Sills Diary
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Diary 1913
1st Wed. New Years Day. Father went out to Grandmother's for Aunt Emma. made sausage & head-cheese.
2nd Thur. Fine. Aunt Emma went up to Mellows in afternoon. Alex, Ethel & I out to M. Sharpe's for tea.
3rd Fri. Poured rain. Alex went up for Aunt Emma. Geo. Gurren a caller. Father made brine for meat.
4th. Sat. Father left early in morning for Napanee with 3 cattle. He went with Gurrens. Ethel & Aunt Emma drive out the rig.
5th Sun. Fine. Uncle Ebb. Aunt Laura & Ralf came in afternoon for tea.
6th Mon. Rained. In evening. Alex & I went down to F. Sills. Father to fletchers.
7th Tue. Snowed. cold. Father up to see Mrs. Mellow in afternoon
8th Wed. Fine. cold. Father & Alex went to Bath. in afternoon
9th Thur. Fine day. Father & I up the road in afternoon first-cutter ride. Father, Alex & I up to Mrs. Sills & Margaret Wright's party
10th Fri. Fine. Alex & I down the road calling in afternoon.
11th. Sat. Rained. Not much doing."Alex had a pain".
12 Sun. Stormy. Alex & I were to church in A.M. Mrs Mellow died tonight.
13 Mon. Fine. Washed. Harold Sills a caller.
14 Tue. Lovely day. Mrs. Mellows funeral. We were to funeral. Uncle Ebb & Aunt Laura & Floe called.
15th Wed. Father to mill. Alex to Hawley
16th Thur. Fine. warm. Alex to Hawley. Father & I were down the road in afternoon.
17th Fri. Rained. Father went for Ethel All to Conway in eve to Guild Tea.
18th Sat. Rained. Ethel home.
January 1913
19th Sun. Fine day. Father took Ethel to town in afternoon. Alex & I were to church. Snowed past night.
20th Mon. Rained. Alex & I were to Bath in afternoon.
21st Tue. Fine. I was up to M. Wrights all day. Alex came in evening.
22nd Wed. Fine. Mr & Mrs E. Sills & Margaret here in evening.
23rd Thur. Rained. Nellie a caller.
24th Fri. Fine. Alex & I went to Napanee Mrs. Casip for tea. Father down to Mrs. Sills.
25th Sat. Fine. Alex & I were in town
26th Sun. Fine. Father to church in A.M. Alex & I came home.
27th Mon. Fine. Alex & I washed. I was up to Nellies in afternoon.
28th Tue. I cut out dressing. sacque.
29th Wed. Stormy. Father, Alex & I down to Mrs. F. Sills to a tea party.
30th Thur. Fine. Nellie here for dinner.
31st Fri. Rainy. Father went for Ethel.
End of Month
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February 1913
1st Sat. Fine. Cold. In afternoon Ethel & I called at Mrs. Gurrens & to see Mrs. Pearl Card. Tom & Lea here for tea.
2nd Sun. Candlemas day.{marks the return of light, s symbol of protection and prosperity based on christian beliefs} Father took Ethel back to town.
3rd Mon. Fine. Old Mr Dennee died this afternoon. Alex & Father to Sillsville Institute
4th Tue. Fine. In evening Father & Fletcher went down to Dennees. Alex to Napanee.
5th Wed. Fine. I was quilting at Nellies Alex up for tea. Father up in evening.
5th Thur. Fine. Father down to funeral. I was up to Nellies in afternoon quilting.
7th Fri. Father cleaning some harness & picked some chickens. Alex & I went to Grandmothers, storm came on & had to stay all night.
8th Sat. Arrived home this morning. Stormed all day.
9th Sun. FIne. Father went to Grandmothers for dinner.
February 1913
10th Mon. fine. washed. Alex & Father to Bath.
11th Tue. Blustery. Alex & I went to Bath & back of Bath to see painters.
12th Wed. Cold. Ralph Sills & Alex went to Hawley to paint.
13th. Thur. Cold. Father & Alex went to Mr. Claringbolds sale in afternoon.
14th Fri. Fine. Alex & I went to a concert at Sillsville in evening. Mr. & Mrs F Sills here in evening.
15th Sat. Cold. Alex to Hawley painting.
16th Sun. Fine. chilly. Alex & I out to Grand mothers for dinner.
17th Mon. Fine. Alex went to mill. Bath. Father out to a meeting in the hall of Sillsville in afternoon & to Bath in evening.
18th Tue. Fine. Alex out to Hawley painting. M. Gurren a caller also Marjorie Trumpour.
19th Wed. Mrs P. Young here all day. also Mr. Young & Gordon here for tea. Hubb. Williams here for dinner. Alex sold the bull. In afternoon Father & F. Mellow went around with school petition.
February 1913
20th Thur. Perfect day. Alex & Tom Gurren went to Napanee. I was calling in neighbour in afternoon.
21st Fri. Fine. Washed. Alex & I went to church.
22nd Sat. Rained. sleet storm. Father went to town to meet Uncle Ceylon but he had gone to Bath Uncle Will Aunt Maude & Raymond here for tea.
23nd Sun. Perfect day. sleighing. Uncle Max, Aunt Molly & Uncle Ceylon came. Fletcher, Nellie & boys here for tea.
24th Mon. Fine. Father & Alex took bull to town. All up to Fletchers in evening.
25th Tue. Perfect day. Uncle Ceylon & father up to Gurrens in A.M. to see Mrs. Gurren who is sick & Alex & men to Bath in afternoon to horse races. Father & Uncle Ceylon up to Fletchers.
February 1913
26th Wed. Snow flies. Uncle Ceylon & Father went to Camden East. Alex drawing rails from Conway to Hawley. In afternoon I went calling on the neighbor.
27th Thur. Fine. Men went to Hawley & in afternoon Father took Uncle Ceylon to Bath. Canon & Mrs. Roberts called. Alex & I went to church.
End of Month
March 1913
1st Sat. Stormed. Father went to station for shingles. Alex to Hawley in A.M. Father to Fletchers in evening. Alex and I down to F. Sills in evening.
2nd Sun. Snowed and blowed all day. Nobody here.
3rd Mon. Stormed all day. Alex to Hawley and Bucks were there graining. B. Weight called. F. Sills called.
4th Tue. Fine. Cold. I was down to Mrs F. Sills for dinner also M. Weight was there. Cleaning harness.
5th Wed. Fine. Alex and I have colds. Harold Sills a caller.
6th Thur. Snowed and blowed. Margaret and May here all day.
7th Fri. Fine. Men opened wads.
8th Sat. Fine. Alex and I to Bath in afternoon.
9th Sun. Rained. Alex and I out to Hawley in afternoon to see graining.
March 1913
10th Mon. Fine. Father & Alex went to Picton. I was alone.
11th Lovely. Uncle Ebb & Aunt Laura here for tea. "Masons at Home"
12th Wed. Fine. M. Wright here all day. B. Elliott here for {?} Mr & Mrs F. Sills here in evening
13th Thur. Fine. Father went to Napanee
14th Fri. Perfect. Alex and I went to town. Stayed at Aunt Emmas.
15th Sat. Fine. In town. Went down to Aunt Franks.
16th Sun. Fine. Rough roads. Floe & I came home in our buggy & Harold & Alex & Geo. Ruttan.
17th Mon. Fine. In afternoon Floe, Alex and I went to Bath. Father to Bath in evening. Harold here to see his Floe.
18th Tue. Fine. Alex & Fletcher started papering our house in Hawley. Father went out about noon. Harold and Floe away in evening. Nellie here.
19th Wed. Fine. Boys to Hawley. Harold & Floe to Bath in evening. Father to Mr Millers to a tea party
20th Thur. Fine. Father & Floe went to town. Ethel came home. Harold up to see Floe in A.M. boys to Hawley.
21st Fri. Windy. Showery. Father Ethel and I went to Hawley. We helped paper and sweep.
22nd Sat. Chilly. Windy. Alex & Ethel& myself went to Hawley & finished papering. Alex put wood in wood-house.
23rd Sun. Easter Sunday. Fine. Starting to rain in evening. Father & Ethel went to church in morning. Alex & I got dinner.
24th Mon. Rained in morning. Alex & I went to Hawley in afternoon I cleaned the floors.
25th Tue. Rained. Alex to Hawley.
26th Wed. Rained & froze. Washed. Alex Ethel and I down to F. Sills in evening.
27th Thur. Fine. Father Ethel and I were to Bath in afternoon & we were up to T. Gurrens in evening.
March 1913
28th Fri. Fine. At home.
29th Sat. Fine. Muddy. Uncle Ebb, Aunt Laura, Aunt Emma & Floe came for tea.
30th Sun. Fine. Father & Ethel to church in afternoon. Alex & I to Hawley. All home in evening.
31st Mon. Rained some in A.M. Father took Ethel to town.
End of month.
April 1913
1st Tue. Windy. Men cutting wood. I was up to Nellies for tea & Alex came for me.
2nd Wed. fine. I was down to Mrs. Youngs all day. Alex down for tea.
3rd Thurs. Rained. Men cleaning up grains.
4th Fri. Rained. Men busy. a couple agents called.
5th Sat. Windy. bad roads. Alex & I were to Bath in afternoon got our syrup.
6th Sun. Blustery by times. muddy wads. Alex and I went out to Hawley in afternoon.
7th Mon. Fine. Washed & Churned. Mrs. Sills here in afternoon.
8th Tue. Fine. Nellie here all day. Father is staling with pigs M. Wright here in afternoon.
9th Wed. Fine. Alex clipping horses. Father to mill.
10th Thurs. Fine Alex to mill
11th Fri. Father & Fletcher to town. Ethel came home.
April 1913
12th Sat. Fine. Men got machinery out in A.M. In afternoon Alex went to Hawley & Ethel & I went for a drive. In evening Father & Ethel went to Gurrens.
13th Sun. Lovely day. Father & Ethel went to church in afternoon. Alex & I went for a drive.
14th Mon. Fine. Men ploughed in orchard.
15th Tue. Fine. Alex to mill in morning & out to W. Asselstine's funeral in afternoon. Aunt Emma & Aunt Frank came & Mrs Burns here cleaning house.
16th Wed. Fine. Very busy cleaning house. Alex went for wire. Aunts went home in afternoon.
17th Thur. Cleaned dining-room. Men started on the land.
18th Fri. Thunderstorm in morning & again in evening. Washed curtains.
19th Sat. Cleaned wood house & new kitchen. Father went to Napanee in afternoon.
April 1913
20th Sun. Bright windy & cold. Father came home about noon & brought Floe card. Floe & Harold to church at night.
21st Mon. Fine. Windy. Floe & Harold out driving. Men sowing.
22nd Tue. Windy. Men busy. Harold here in A.M. to see Floe. Also in eve.
23rd Wed. Fine. Men busy. HS here.
24th Thur. Fine. Warm. Floe & I were up to Nellies this afternoon. HS here.
25th Fri. Fine warm. Men busy. HS here.
26th Sat. Fine. real warm. Harold took Floe home in evening.
27th Sun. Showery. Father to church in afternoon.
28th Mon. Fine. Lizzie came this morning. Washed. Men sowing. Boat started America.
29th Tue. Fine. Cleaned pantry.
30th Wed. Fine. Nellie here for tea.
31st 1st May Thur. Fine. Men finished sowing. Alex & I to Bath in evening.
May 1913
2nd Fri. Fine. I went for Ethel in evening. Down to Mrs P. Youngs. Alex to Ernesttown station with hay.
3rd Sat. Fine warm. Ethel & I out to P. Youngs in afternoon. Tom, Lea, Nellie here in evening. Father cut the lawn. Carpenters here putting roof on barn.
24 Sun. Fine. Father & Ethel to church in morning. Burt Oliver & Uncle Max here all day motored up. Fletcher & Ernest also here for tea. In afternoon Burt took Ethel and I for a spin.
35th Mon. Fine. Lizzie washed. Father took Ethel to town. Men busy.
64th Tue. Fine. Alex rolling. Men finished roof.
75th Wed. Fine. Alex went to Napanee to look for a horse. Mrs P Young here for tea.
68th Thur. Fine. Father busy. Alex got home about 9:30 in evening. I was down to Mrs Sills in afternoon.
7 8 9th Fri. Fine. Chilly. Father & Alex down to Will Ruttans in evening.
8 9 10th Sat. Fine. Cool. Alex to town looking for a horse. got a horse. Polly. $180.00
May 1913
11th Sun. Fine. Father to church in after-noon. Alex & I for a drive with new horse. Mr & Mrs Sills & Helen here in evening.
12th Mon. Fine. Lizzie washed. Alex took Joe Carroll & Barny Burns out to Hawley to take worms out of trees. Mr & Mrs J Young called.
13th Tues. Fine. Alex drawing manure. Father busy.
14th Wed. Fine. Men busy.
15th Thur. Fine. Mrs Claringbold here all day. I took her home.
16th Fri. Rained some in morning. Margaret Wright here all day. I took her home.
17th Sat. Lovely day. Mabel Gurren here for tea.
18th Sun. Fine. Grandmother, Aunt Emma & Floe here all day. Floe for a drive with Harold.
19th Mon. Fine. Mrs F. Sills called. Alex & I go to Hawley in evening.
May 1913
20th Tue. Fine. In afternoon Lizzie Burns & I went out to Hawley to see the farm. Mrs F. Sills here in evening.
21st Wed. Fine. Alex & B. Burns out to take worms out of orchard.
22nd Thur. Rained some. Nellie here all day. Cutting potatoes.
23rd Fri. Fine. Father hooked on with T. Mellow went to town Ethel came home. M. Cadman a caller.
24th Sat. Fine. Ethel & I for a little drive in evening. Father cut grave-yard. Alex to Bath for buggy-wheels. Miss Ruth Davy called.
25th Sun. Fine. Cool. Father & Ethel to church in afternoon. Ethel Alex & I for a drive in evening.
26th Mon. Fine. Alex drawing manure. Father planting corn.
27th Tue. Rained. Father took Ethel to town. He went to Aunt Franks for dinner. Put down matting in our room.
May 1913
28th Wed. Men busy at garden fence. "Put up mail box" {?}
29th Thur. Fine. Father to mill in morning. Margaret Wright here in afternoon.
30th Fri. Lovely day. Mrs Carroll here in morning. Men finished fence
31st Sat. Lovely day. Lizzie painted kitchen floor.
End of Month.
June 1913
1st Sun. Showery in evening. Father up to Fletchers in evening. Alex & I for a drive. Caspian made her first trip to-day.
2nd Mon. Fine. Father & Clarence to town shipped pigs $9.60.
3rd Tue. Fine. Alex drawing manure.
4th Wed. Fine. I was up to Nellies all day.
5th Thurs. At usual work.
6th Fri. Fine. big storm at night. Alex went for Ethel. Mrs F. Sills & Margaret Wright here in afternoon. Ethel to confirmation class in evening.
7th Sat. Fine. Cool. Ethel & I went to office in evening.
8th Sun. Fine. Alex down to Uncle Ceylons all day. Uncle Ebb & Aunt Laura here all day. Ethel to church in afternoon. Then she went down to Mrs Youngs, to stay all night. Floe came at mid-night. with H. Sills.
June 1913
9th Mon. Fine. Floe here. Harold Sills here in evening.
10th Tue. Fine day. Father to town with pigs. Floe here. Alex busy.
11th Wed. Fine day.
12th Thur. Fine day. In evening Alex, Floe & I went for a drive. Uncle Will brought Aunt Frank & Helen out. Mrs E. Sills called.
13th Fri. Fine day. Mrs F. Sills here in evening. Aunt Frank & Alex went for a drive in evening. Harold & Floe driving.
14th Sat. Fine day. Aunt Frank & Helen up to Nellies for tea. Nellie, Tom, Lea, callers in evening.
15th Sun. Fine. Floe went home this morning. Harold took her. Uncle John came for Aunt Frank. In evening Father went up to Fletchers. Alex & I went for a drive.
June 1913
16th Mon. Fine. Mrs Sharpe & Harold were callers in evening. Men cut alfalfa.
17th Tue. Fine. Mrs Young here in afternoon. Alex to Bath in evening. Mr & Mrs Sills here in evening. Father put tile in barn-yard.
18th Wed. Fine. Molly Wilson, and Margaret Wright here in afternoon. Tom & Lea here in evening.
19th Thur. Rained. Baking for pie social made pies & sandwichs. Alex went to pie social in Reid's wood-house.
20th Fri. Fine. Cloudy. Mrs Bob Wright & Margaret called in afternoon. Mrs F. Sills in evening. Alex went for Aunt Emma.
21st Sat. Fine. Aunt Emma here. We went for a drive in evening. Alex out driving. Alex working at new hall in morning & yesterday also. Father started clover hay.
22nd Sun. Lovely day. Aunt Emma & Father out to Grandmothers for dinner. Alex & I for a drive. We went out to Hawley. Alex & Aunt Emma went to church.
June 1913
23rd Mon. Fine. Margaret Cadman here in afternoon.
24th Tue. Fine. Mrs Sills here in afternoon.
25th Wed. Mabel Gurren here in afternoon. Aunt Emma & I for a drive.
26th Thur. Fine. Warm. Men in hay.
27th Fri. Fine. Very hot. Nellie had a girl baby last night. Dr. a caller this A.M. Father to Bath in A.M.
28th Sat. Fine. Father very poorly in bed. Fletcher here in morning. Had Dr. for Father in afternoon. Father took very bad about 9:30 & sent for Dr. He came also Miss Davy & Uncle Max. Mr & Mrs. Sills here.
29th Sun. Fine. Dr. took dear Father down to hospital this morning on the boat. Fletcher took him to Bath on cot. Mr & Mrs
June 1913
Sills here. Mrs Sills here all day. Lots of callers to ask for Father. Mrs Sharpe Harold, Tom, Lea, Mabel, George & others.
30th Mon. Fine. Alex and Ethel to Bath in evening. Mrs E. Sills called. Aunt Laura here for tea. Mrs F. Sills and Margaret Wright called. My dear Father in hospital. Fletcher & Barney here busy in the hay.
End of month.
July 1913
1st Tue. Fine. Very hot. Fletcher & Barney here busy in hay.
2nd Wed. Shower in afternoon. Men went home. Ethel, Miss Davy & I went up to see Nellie. Mrs P Young here. Aunt Emma & Floe here for tea. Mrs Sills here in evening.
3rd Thur. Fine. Men busy in hay in afternoon. Ethel to Kingston to see our Father.
4th Fri. Very hot. Men busy in hay. Canon Roberts called. Also Mrs Sills.
5th Sat. Fine. Warm. Men finished clover hay. Ethel & Alex for a drive. Margaret & May here in evening.
6th Sun. Warm. Very windy.
7th Mon. Fine day. Alex & Mr Burns {?} potatoes and goes in the garden.
8th Tues. Fine day. Alex to mills in a.m. and cultivated potatoes in p.m. Alex & Ethel went out to our place to pick a few cherries. Uncle Ebb & Aunt Laura here in eve.
July 1913
9th Wed. Laura sick, but did up five quarts of cherries in the A.M. Baby girl born at five o' clock in the P.M. Weighed 9 1/2 lbs. Ethel went down to Mrs P. Young's and stayed until overwith. Mrs F. Sills here with Laura. Henry Hudson's barn burned by lightning.
10th Thur.- A nice day. Alex cutting hay. All pretty well. Ethel confirmed here in Eng church.
11th Friday. Ethel went to Kingston to see Father. Father doing nicely, but hasn't had his head off his pillow yet. Fletcher and Alex drew in {?} p.m. and put up. Doctor called. A lovely day.
12th Sat. A nice shower in afternoon. Men drew in hay. Ethel driving horsefork. Uncle Ebb and Aunt Laura and Ralph out in Eve. Alex & Ethel went to P. O. and for a short drive.
13th Sun. A lovely day but quite windy. Alex & Ethel to Eng. church in morning. M. Gurren here in afternoon. Margory Trumpour. {I think this page was written by someone else as Laura recovered from childbirth.}
July 1913
14th Mon. Fine. Mrs Geo. Phippen called. Men busy in hay.
15th Tue. Fine. Fine. Alex picked cherries. Mrs Geo Ham called. Also Mrs P Young.
16th Wed. Fine. Alex to mill in A.M. & Ethel went to Kingston to stay a while to keep Father company. {in margin} Mrs Carroll done up cherries
17th Thur. Fine.
18th Fri. Fine. I was up awhile to-day. Mrs Carroll done up more cherries.
19th Sat. Fine. I was up awhile. Nellie down awhile also M. Carroll. {added after} Uncle Wills here also Mr & Mrs F Sills.
20th Sun. Thunder storm. Lightning struck E. Wright's barn burned. I was up longer to-day. Uncle Ebb, Aunt Laura & Miss Hawley here in evening.
21st Mon. Fine. Alex to W. Roblins in morning. I came downstairs for the first.
22nd Tue. Fine. Alex went to Napanee.
23rd. Wed. Fine. Father came home from hospital tonight. Ethel also came. Uncle Will went to Conway in car for him.
July 1913
24th Thur. Fine. Lots of callers to see Father. Mrs P. Young, M Gurren, Geo. Gurren, Mrs Sills & many other. Dr. here.
25th Fri. Fine. Many callers. Alex started barley.
26th Sat. Fine. Mr & Mrs F. Sills here in evening also Tom & Lea also Rachel Brown & family.
27th Sun. Fine. Warm. Callers Bob Wright, Geo. & Mabel. Ida Ketcheson here all day. Miss Davy & Alex took her up to Wrights. My birth-day. Our baby had her picture taken Geo Gurren took it.
28th Mon.
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- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_05.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_06.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_07.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_08.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_09.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_10.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_11.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_12.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_13.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_14.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_15.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_16.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_17.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_18.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_19.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_20.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_21.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_22.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_23.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_24.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_25.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_26.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_27.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_28.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_29.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_30.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_31.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_32.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_33.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_34.pdf