Laura Robinson/Sills Diary, 1913


Laura Robinson/Sills Diary, 1913


Laura Robinson/Sills


Courtesy of Wellington County Museum and Archives




20th Century, Lennox & Addington County, South Fredericksburg Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Laura Robinson/Sills Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Front Cover}

Diary 1913

{preprinted Title: The Peerless}

{preprinted - Student's Name:} Laura Sills Diary

Blank Page

Diary 1913

1st Wed. New Years Day. Father went out to Grandmother's for Aunt Emma. made sausage & head-cheese.

2nd Thur. Fine. Aunt Emma went up to Mellows in afternoon. Alex, Ethel & I out to M. Sharpe's for tea.

3rd Fri. Poured rain. Alex went up for Aunt Emma. Geo. Gunen a caller. Father made brine for meat.

4th. Sat. Father left early in morning for Napanee with 3 cattle. He went with Gunens. Ethel & Aunt Emma drive out the rig.

5th Sun. Fine. Uncle Ebb. Aunt Laura & Ralf came in afternoon for tea.

6th Mon. Rained. In evening. Alex & I went down to Y. Silk. Father to fletchers.

7th Tue. Snowed. cold. Father up to see Mrs. Milbree in afternoon


8th Wed. Fine. cold. Father & Alex went to Bath. in afternoon

9th Thur. Fine day. Father & I up the road in afternoon first-cutter ride. Father, Alex & I up to Mrs. Silks & Margaret Wright's party

10th Fri. Fine. Alex & I down the road calling in afternoon.

11th. Sat. Rained. Not much doing."Alex had a pain".

12 Sun. Stormy. Alex & I were to church in A.M. Mrs Mellow died tonight.

13 Mon. Fine. Washed. Harold Silks a caller.

14 Tue. Lovely day. Mrs. Mellows funeral. We were to funeral. Uncle Ebb & Aunt Laura & I . Coe called.

15th Wed. Father to mill. Alex to Hawby

16th Thur. FIne. warm. Alex to Hawley. Father & I were down the road in afternoon.

17th Fri. Rained. Father went for Ethel All to Conway in eve to Guild Year.

18th Sat. Rained. Ethel home.

January 1913

19th Sun. Fine day. Father took Ethel to town in afternoon. Alex & I were to church. Snowed past night.

20th Mon. Rained. Alex & I were to Bath in afternoon.

21st Tue. Fine. I was up to M. Wirghts all day. Alex came in evening.

22nd Wed. Fine. Mr & Mrs E. Sills & Margaret here in evening.

23rd Thur. Rained. Nellie a caller.

24th Fri. Fine. Alex & I went to Napanee Mrs. Casip for tea. Father down to Mrs. Sills.

25th Sat. Fine. Alex & I were in town

26th Sun. Fine. Father to church in A.M. Alex & I came home.

27th Mon. Fine. Alex & I washed. I was up to Nellies in afternoon.

28th Tue. I cut out dressing. sacque.

29th Wed. Stormy. Father, Alex & I down to Mrs. F. Sills to a tea party.

30th Thur. Fine. Nellie here for dinner.

31st Fri. Rainy. Father went for Ethel.

End of Month

Blank Page

February 1913

1st St. Fine. Cold. In afternoon Ethel & I called at Mrs. Gurrens & to see Mrs. Pearl Card. Tom & Lea here for tea.

2nd Sun. Candlemas day.{marks the return of light, s symbol of protection and prosperity based on christian beliefs} Father took Ethel back to town.

3rd Mon. Fine. Old Mr Dermu died this afternoon. Alex & Father to Silkville Institute

4th Tue. Fine. In evening Father & Fletcher went down to Dennies. Alex to Napanee.

5th Wed. Fine. I was quilting at Nellies Alex up for tea. Father up in evening.

5th Thur. Fine. Father down to funeral. I was up to Nellies in afternoon quilting.

7th Fri. Father cleaning some harness & picked some chickens. Alex & I went to Grandmothers, storm came on & had to stay all night.

8th Sat. Arrived home this morning. Stormed all day.

9th Sun. FIne. Father went to Grandmothers for dinner.

February 1913

10th Mon. fine. washed. Alex & Father to Bath.

11th Tue. Blustery. Alex & I went to & ath & back of Bath to see painters.

12th Wed. Cold. Ralph Sills & Alex went to Hawley to paint.

13th. Thur. Cold. Father & Alex went to Mr. Claringbolds sale in afternoon.

14th Fri. FIne. Alex & I went to a concert at Sillsville in evening. Mr. & Mrs F Sills here in evening.

15th Sat. Cold. Alex to Hawley painting.

16th Sun. Fine. chilly. Alex & I out to Grand mothers for dinner.

17th Mon. Fine. Alex went to mill. Bath. Father out to a meeting in the hall of Sillsville in afternoon & to Bath in evening.

18th Tue. Fine. Alex out to Hawley painting. M. Guren a caller also Marjorie Trumpiur.

19th Wed. Mrs P. Young here all day. also Mr. Young & Gordon here for tea. Hubb. Williams here for dinner. Alex sold the bull. In afternoon Father & F. Mellow


went around with school petition

20th Thur. Perfect day. Alex & Tom Queen went to Napanee. I was calling in neighbour in afternoon.

21st Fri. Fine. Washed. Alex & I went to church.

22nd Sat. Rained. sleet storm. Father went to town to meet Uncle {Aylin?} but he had gone to Bath Uncle Will Aunt Maude & Raymond here for tea.

23nd Sun. Perfect day. sleighing. Uncle Max, Aunt Molly & Uncle {Aylin?} came. Fletcher, Nellie & boys here for tea.

24th Mon. Fine. Father & Alex took bull to town. All up to Fletchers in evening.

25th Tue. Perfect day. Uncle Aylin & father up to Queens in A.M. to see Mrs. Queen who is sick & Alex & men to Bath in afternoon to horse races. Father & Uncle Aylin up to Fletchers.

February 1913

26th Wed. Snow flies. Uncle Aylin & Father went to Camden East.- Alex drawing rails from Conway to Hawley. In afternoon I went calling on the neighbor.

27th Thur. Fine. Men went to Hawley & in afternoon Father took Uncle Aylin to Bath. Canon & Mrs. Roberts called. Alex & I went to church.

End of Month

April 1913

1st Tue. Windy. Men cutting wood. I was up to Nellies for mtea & Alex came for me.

2nd Wed. fine. I was down to Mrs. Youngs all day. Alex down for tea.

3rd Thurs. Rained. Men cleaning up grains.

4th Fri. Rained. Men busy. a coulpe agents called.

5th Sat. Windy. bad wads. Alex & I were to Bath in afternoon got our syrup.

6th Sun. {illegible} by times. muddy wads. Alex and I went out to Howley in afternoon.

7th Mon. Fine. Washed & Churned. Mrs. Sills here in afternoon.

8th Tue. FIne. Nellie here all day. Father is staling with figs M. Wright here in afternoon.

9th Wed. Fine. Alex clipping horses. Father to mill

10th Thurs. Fine Alex to mill

11th Fri. Father & I {Illegible} to town,\. Eihil came home.


Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_01.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_02.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_03.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_04.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_05.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_06.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_07.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_08.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_09.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_10.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_11.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_12.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_13.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_14.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_15.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_16.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_17.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_18.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_19.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_20.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_21.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_22.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_23.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_24.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_25.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_26.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_27.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_28.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_29.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_30.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_31.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_32.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_33.pdf
Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1913_34.pdf


Laura Robinson/Sills, “Laura Robinson/Sills Diary, 1913,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed July 16, 2024,
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