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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_28.pdf

Revision as of Dec 14, 2023, 11:57:15 PM
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Revision as of Dec 15, 2023, 12:05:21 AM
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April 14
1859  David & Elen went to G McClearned & got there teeth fixed
   <td>April 1</td>
   <td>April 1</td>
   <td>Worked at Bunks bored & made fine Day</td>
   <td>shaved some stuff for whipeltrees & drew some hay & the bunks for the road fence</td>
   <td>went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McDa{cut off} in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Shaw in the afternoon Preech fine Day</td>
   <td>made Bunk fence on the Road west line south side very high winds</td>
   <td>very sore Eyes did nothing</td>
   <td><s>made</s>  Do    Do  Do  Adam went to Ly </td>
   <td>made A Door for the woodshed & drew stone from Wm Davis for the foundation of the Barn hard frost last nigth</td>
   <td>drew dung for the hot Bed & the garden</td>
   <td>drew hay in the forenoon & stone to the road fence for hogholeing in the afternoon hard frost last night</td>
   <td>the Revd Mr Boyed preached in caintown </td>
   <td>heavy rain all Day fixed at A New drag</td>
   <td>fixed around the house cold Day</td>
   <td>went to Brockville Paid Dr Ronalds twenty Dollars & I owe him yet 13 dollars he came 7 times to see Davids foot & charged 5 dollars A trip he throwed off 2 dollars& that was 33 dollars I qualified  {in left margin} fine Day</td>
   <td> Jock is very bad with Rumatism I went to Hiram Booth to get him to make what he called sulphate of steel he tok A thick piece of blister steel heated to a whiteheat, held over a pail of water then put a piece of brimstone on the steel & droped into the water. This is taken & hammered fine and put into gin 3 wine glass a day</td>
   <td> Jock is very bad with Rumatism I went to Hiram Booth to get him to make what he called sulphate of steel he tok A thick piece of blister steel heated to a whiteheat, held over a pail of water then put a piece of brimstone on the steel & droped into the water. This is taken & hammered fine and put into gin 3 wine glass a day {in left margin} heavy rain all day</td>

Revision as of Dec 15, 2023, 12:05:21 AM

1859 David & Elen went to G McClearned & got there teeth fixed

April 1 Worked at Bunks bored & made fine Day
2 shaved some stuff for whipeltrees & drew some hay & the bunks for the road fence
3 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McDa{cut off} in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Shaw in the afternoon Preech fine Day
4 made Bunk fence on the Road west line south side very high winds
5 very sore Eyes did nothing
6 made Do Do Do Adam went to Ly
7 made A Door for the woodshed & drew stone from Wm Davis for the foundation of the Barn hard frost last nigth
8 drew dung for the hot Bed & the garden
9 drew hay in the forenoon & stone to the road fence for hogholeing in the afternoon hard frost last night
10 the Revd Mr Boyed preached in caintown
11 heavy rain all Day fixed at A New drag
12 fixed around the house cold Day
13 went to Brockville Paid Dr Ronalds twenty Dollars & I owe him yet 13 dollars he came 7 times to see Davids foot & charged 5 dollars A trip he throwed off 2 dollars& that was 33 dollars I qualified {in left margin} fine Day
14 Jock is very bad with Rumatism I went to Hiram Booth to get him to make what he called sulphate of steel he tok A thick piece of blister steel heated to a whiteheat, held over a pail of water then put a piece of brimstone on the steel & droped into the water. This is taken & hammered fine and put into gin 3 wine glass a day {in left margin} heavy rain all day
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