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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_36.pdf

Revision as of Dec 5, 2023, 12:56:17 AM
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Revision as of Dec 5, 2023, 1:04:57 AM
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   <td>August 1 </td>
   <td>August 1 </td>
   <td>Drew in the hay below the orchard</td>
   <td>Mowed at cristies place  F Moors went home gave him twenty dollars as part pay for Mothers head stone it is thirty dollars</td>
   <td>drew in the hay from cristies & that finished our haying it is A poor crop</td>
   <td>fixed the thrashing Machin put in some new threads heavy rain most of the Day</td>
   <td>thrashed & cleaned 11 1/2 bushel of fall wheat very good</td>
   <td>went to Lyn with the wheat to the Mill Wm Henry had A raisin of A Barn stopt to it when I was coming home</td>
   <td>the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our School house in the forenoon he stopt hear all night fine Day</td>
   <td>made the frount Barn doors John Armstrong made the hinges for them</td>
   <td>worked at the stable & Barn the boys worked at the turnips</td>
   <td>Granpa & me went to Mallorytown he went to Jacob Vandusenns to get buds & left IL Thompson acount to be sued</td>
   <td>thrashed part of the fall wheat in the forenoon & went to the Funeral of Jane Purvis daughter of George Purvis she was buried at the Stone Church the Revd Mr Mills preached the church would not hold half the people</td>

Revision as of Dec 5, 2023, 1:04:57 AM


August 1 Drew in the hay below the orchard
2 Mowed at cristies place F Moors went home gave him twenty dollars as part pay for Mothers head stone it is thirty dollars
3 drew in the hay from cristies & that finished our haying it is A poor crop
4 fixed the thrashing Machin put in some new threads heavy rain most of the Day
5 thrashed & cleaned 11 1/2 bushel of fall wheat very good
6 went to Lyn with the wheat to the Mill Wm Henry had A raisin of A Barn stopt to it when I was coming home
7 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our School house in the forenoon he stopt hear all night fine Day
8 made the frount Barn doors John Armstrong made the hinges for them
9 worked at the stable & Barn the boys worked at the turnips
10 Granpa & me went to Mallorytown he went to Jacob Vandusenns to get buds & left IL Thompson acount to be sued
11 thrashed part of the fall wheat in the forenoon & went to the Funeral of Jane Purvis daughter of George Purvis she was buried at the Stone Church the Revd Mr Mills preached the church would not hold half the people
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