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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_52.pdf

Revision as of Nov 22, 2023, 12:44:37 AM
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Revision as of Dec 9, 2023, 12:56:31 AM
edited by
Line 1: Line 1:
   <td>April 1</td>
   <td>No Meeting to day owing to a quarterly meeting at Mallortown fine Day roads very bad </td>
   <td>drew dung to Cristes place for corn where the fall wheat was last year above the road hard frost</td>
   <td>drew dung the same  I worked at the boreing machin {in left margin} drew dung for hot bed</td>
   <td>thrashed the Barley & cleaned had 4 bushel in the forenoon Bored over 100 bunkbottoms it works well {in left margin} rain</td>
   <td>works at the boring finished ours & some of Jock fine Day {in left margin} A little snow</td>
   <td>finished Jocks this morning over 200 st{cut off} all together went to the Funeral of John Miller he Died on wedenday he was buried at the stone church the Revd Mr Bell preached the church could not hold all that was there the roads is very bad</td>
   <td>split a few rails on the line between Jock & me blow the orchard David went to Yonge M{cut off} A fishing got some pike</td>
   <td>went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach in afternoon fine day after the rain</td>
   <td>worked at the rails & bunks fine Day</td>
   <td>went to Mill with 15 bushel of oats that wat bought of WZ Davis I worked at a drag for John Innis</td>
   <td>at cristes but could not the frost was in the roads he had to quit the boys made bunks</td>
   <td>finished puting up the line fence on the second field fine Day</td>
   <td>made a fence no the side of the 2 acres next the East line</td>

Revision as of Dec 9, 2023, 12:56:31 AM


April 1 No Meeting to day owing to a quarterly meeting at Mallortown fine Day roads very bad
2 drew dung to Cristes place for corn where the fall wheat was last year above the road hard frost
3 drew dung the same I worked at the boreing machin {in left margin} drew dung for hot bed
4 thrashed the Barley & cleaned had 4 bushel in the forenoon Bored over 100 bunkbottoms it works well {in left margin} rain
5 works at the boring finished ours & some of Jock fine Day {in left margin} A little snow
6 finished Jocks this morning over 200 st{cut off} all together went to the Funeral of John Miller he Died on wedenday he was buried at the stone church the Revd Mr Bell preached the church could not hold all that was there the roads is very bad
7 split a few rails on the line between Jock & me blow the orchard David went to Yonge M{cut off} A fishing got some pike
8 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach in afternoon fine day after the rain
9 worked at the rails & bunks fine Day
10 went to Mill with 15 bushel of oats that wat bought of WZ Davis I worked at a drag for John Innis
11 at cristes but could not the frost was in the roads he had to quit the boys made bunks
12 finished puting up the line fence on the second field fine Day
13 made a fence no the side of the 2 acres next the East line
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