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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_57.pdf

Revision as of Nov 22, 2023, 12:45:42 AM
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Revision as of Dec 11, 2023, 1:10:08 AM
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Line 1: Line 1:
   <td>June 17</td>
   <td>No Meetting to Day the Preachers is at conference</td>
   <td>worked at the Beets & carrots very dry weather rain this morning & this afternoon</td>
   <td>went to Brockville paid Mr Reid twelve dollars on acount  Bought a circle & iron for the Buggy sold a calf 2d per lb</td>
   <td>went to charlestown with 20 butter firkins for Bues rain2</td>
   <td>went to Westport with the wool rain to Day</td>
   <td>got the wool carded & came to Mr Childings stopt all night</td>
   <td>came home with the wool warm Day</td>
   <td>the Revd Mr McKenzie preached this afternoon the Bees swarmed a very large swarm</td>
   <td>worked at the turnips fine Day</td>
   <td>Do  Do    Do  very heavy showr this afternoon  rain</td>
   <td>finished the turnips & plowed the potatoes in the Garden </td>
   <td>went to Charlestown for a load of bolts very heavy rain at Keyes & most of the road home again  {in left margin}  rain</td>
   <td>the ground to wet for to hoe worked at two hay waggon racks warm Day put the Bett Mare & the Dutch to Lees horse or the Black hawk to give him 7 dolars & he insures both mares</td>

Revision as of Dec 11, 2023, 1:10:08 AM


June 17 No Meetting to Day the Preachers is at conference
18 worked at the Beets & carrots very dry weather rain this morning & this afternoon
19 went to Brockville paid Mr Reid twelve dollars on acount Bought a circle & iron for the Buggy sold a calf 2d per lb
20 went to charlestown with 20 butter firkins for Bues rain2
21 went to Westport with the wool rain to Day
22 got the wool carded & came to Mr Childings stopt all night
23 came home with the wool warm Day
24 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached this afternoon the Bees swarmed a very large swarm
25 worked at the turnips fine Day
26 Do Do Do very heavy showr this afternoon rain
28 finished the turnips & plowed the potatoes in the Garden
29 went to Charlestown for a load of bolts very heavy rain at Keyes & most of the road home again {in left margin} rain
30 the ground to wet for to hoe worked at two hay waggon racks warm Day put the Bett Mare & the Dutch to Lees horse or the Black hawk to give him 7 dolars & he insures both mares
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