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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860

William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_62.pdf

Revision as of Nov 22, 2023, 12:46:57 AM
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Revision as of Dec 12, 2023, 5:33:30 PM
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Line 1: Line 1:
   <td>Sept 16</td> 
   <td>the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown </td>
   <td>went to Wm Hazelwoods with John Robinson & Granpa Jock Margret & Elen  the Boys cut the {cut off}</td>
  <td>Hazelwoods are all here & at Jocks</td>
  <td>went to Brockville with John Robinson & Daughter seen them on the Railcars for Careton </td>
   <td>rain {illegible)tuist</td>
   <td>went to John Younge with Elizabeth stopt over night then went Oxford to look at a farm of Kenneth Morrisons do not like it</td>
   <td>came from John Youngs this morning heavy wind David plowing in the field west of the Barn Granpa very poorly</td>
   <td>the Revd Mr McKenzie preached at caintown </td>
   <td>began to dig the potatos at cristies fine day John Younge & his Wife came to see Granpa he is very poorly rain at night</td>
   <td>rained most of the day Granpa was taken with spiting of Blood spit about a pint went for Betsy & Dr Keer</td>
   <td>Adam went to Gibsons for wild grapes David helped Jock to log I fixed at the Barnyard & cut part of the Buckwheat</td>
   <td>finished cuting the Buckwheat in the forenoon & thrashed Jocks Buckwheat</td>
   <td>heavy rain last night thrashed & cleaned 13 bushel of schotch wheat & pulled a waggon load of corn heavy wind</td>
  <td>very heavy frost the first to kill the vines cut the cornstalks that we picked the corn off & diged some potatos Picked Snow apples</td>
  <td>the Revd Mr Har{illegile} preached in caintown</td>

Revision as of Dec 12, 2023, 5:33:30 PM


Sept 16 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
17 went to Wm Hazelwoods with John Robinson & Granpa Jock Margret & Elen the Boys cut the {cut off}
18 Hazelwoods are all here & at Jocks
19 went to Brockville with John Robinson & Daughter seen them on the Railcars for Careton
rain {illegible)tuist 20 went to John Younge with Elizabeth stopt over night then went Oxford to look at a farm of Kenneth Morrisons do not like it
rain 21
rain 22 came from John Youngs this morning heavy wind David plowing in the field west of the Barn Granpa very poorly
23 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached at caintown
rain 24 began to dig the potatos at cristies fine day John Younge & his Wife came to see Granpa he is very poorly rain at night
rain 25 rained most of the day Granpa was taken with spiting of Blood spit about a pint went for Betsy & Dr Keer
26 Adam went to Gibsons for wild grapes David helped Jock to log I fixed at the Barnyard & cut part of the Buckwheat
rain 27 finished cuting the Buckwheat in the forenoon & thrashed Jocks Buckwheat
frost 28 heavy rain last night thrashed & cleaned 13 bushel of schotch wheat & pulled a waggon load of corn heavy wind
29 very heavy frost the first to kill the vines cut the cornstalks that we picked the corn off & diged some potatos Picked Snow apples
30 the Revd Mr Har{illegile} preached in caintown
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