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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


Revision as of Sep 19, 2023, 2:50:10 AM
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Revision as of Sep 19, 2023, 2:51:27 AM
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April 12 Tuesday. doing chores. disc Harrowing gang plowed small piece near back orchard. drawed load brick for dad. went to Mill & got 55 lbs. Timothy seed. paid $4.00 for same. H.C. Morrison. went to field & set up stakes. to sow grass seed.  
April 12 Tuesday. doing chores. disc Harrowing gang plowed small piece near back orchard. drawed load brick for dad. went to Mill & got 55 lbs. Timothy seed. paid $4.00 for same. H.C. Morrison. went to field & set up stakes. to sow grass seed.  
April 13 Wednesday. doing chores.
April 13 Wednesday. doing chores. sowing grass seed. finished. sowing graain. harrowing rolling plowed garden. I wrote letter to H.E.P. & posted same. Very nice day. Jean down to-day with baby.
April 14 Thursday. doing chores.
April 14 Thursday. doing chores.
April 15 Friday. doing chores.
April 15 Friday. doing chores.

Revision as of Sep 19, 2023, 2:51:27 AM

1910. Daily Record.

April 10 Sunday. doing chores. were at home all day. not feeling very well. very nice day.

April 11 Monday. doing chores. cleaned out water furrows. in oat field. Sold 3 pigs to {?}. & {Rowing?}. 540 lbs. @ 9.35 = $50.49 also sold 2 steers to Ed {?}. fpr $72.00 Killed 1 pig. sold my half to F.W.M. for

XXX Mrs {?} Hunt buried to day. A.E V. Father & Mother were there.

April 12 Tuesday. doing chores. disc Harrowing gang plowed small piece near back orchard. drawed load brick for dad. went to Mill & got 55 lbs. Timothy seed. paid $4.00 for same. H.C. Morrison. went to field & set up stakes. to sow grass seed.

April 13 Wednesday. doing chores. sowing grass seed. finished. sowing graain. harrowing rolling plowed garden. I wrote letter to H.E.P. & posted same. Very nice day. Jean down to-day with baby.

April 14 Thursday. doing chores.

April 15 Friday. doing chores.

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