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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


Revision as of Oct 8, 2023, 2:16:07 AM
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Revision as of Oct 14, 2023, 1:36:57 AM
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May 1 Monday. doing chores. cleaning beans. helping mother to wash. Father working at barn & away with horse. showery all day. rain at night. Agent for Galt metal Roofing here this P.M. & had tea.
May 1 Monday. doing chores. cleaning beans. helping mother to wash. Father working at barn & away with horse. showery all day. rain at night. Agent for Galt metal Roofing here this P.M. & had tea.
May 2 Tuesday. doing chores.
May 2 Tuesday. doing chores. helping around barn & not very well.
May 3 Wednesday. done chores.
May 3 Wednesday. done chores. not very well.
" 4 Thursday.
" 4 Thursday. helping at barn.
" 5 Friday.
" 5 Friday. plowing in orchard. & digging around trees.
" 6 Saturday. doing chores.
" 6 Saturday. doing chores. cleaning up around barn. carpenters took barn down.
" 7 Sunday. doing chores.
" 7 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. Frank & Jean came down. & spent the afternoon. very nice day.
" 8 Monday. doing chores.
" 8 Monday. doing chores working at barn takeing down store walks.  
" 9 Tuesday. doing chores.
" 9 Tuesday. doing chores. burning brush. & helping around barn cleaning up.

Revision as of Oct 14, 2023, 1:36:57 AM

1911 Daily Record.



Apr 28 Friday. not very well. doing chores. & drawing sand. cleaning up yard at new house

Apr 29 Saturday. doing chores.. cleaning yard moved snow poles from barn. trimming trees. Recv letter H.E.P.

Apr 30 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. showery. went to church at Night. & walked up to Lindy Rouses after church. with the 2 miss Boyles. Mia & Ida. also Mrs L. Rous.


May 1 Monday. doing chores. cleaning beans. helping mother to wash. Father working at barn & away with horse. showery all day. rain at night. Agent for Galt metal Roofing here this P.M. & had tea.

May 2 Tuesday. doing chores. helping around barn & not very well.

May 3 Wednesday. done chores. not very well.

" 4 Thursday. helping at barn.

" 5 Friday. plowing in orchard. & digging around trees.

" 6 Saturday. doing chores. cleaning up around barn. carpenters took barn down.

" 7 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. Frank & Jean came down. & spent the afternoon. very nice day.

" 8 Monday. doing chores working at barn takeing down store walks.

" 9 Tuesday. doing chores. burning brush. & helping around barn cleaning up.

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