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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


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Revision as of Nov 21, 2023, 6:18:03 PM
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1911 Daily Record.
1911 Daily Record.  
May 26 Friday. doing chores. went to mill for lumber. & took 3 piece of joice. W Woodworths. women's missionary he at Lynden Methodist Church.
May 26 Friday. doing chores. went to mill for lumber. & took 3 piece of joice {joist}. W Woodworths. women's missionary he at Lynden Methodist Church.  
May 27 Saturday. doing chores. harrowing hoe crop ground. Dad drawing lumber & cleaning up yard. down st at night.
May 27 Saturday. doing chores. harrowing hoe crop ground. Dad drawing lumber & cleaning up yard. down st at night.  
May 28 Sunday. doing chores. very warm went to church in A.M. & also to J.O.O.F. meeting held in Methodist church. home in evening. cooler at night.  
May 28 Sunday. doing chores. very warm went to church in A.M. & also to J.O.O.F. meeting held in Methodist church. home in evening. cooler at night.  
May 29 Monday. doing chores. helping Mother wash in A.M. & fixing screen doors around house. plowing & sraping around house. fixing up yard.
May 29 Monday. doing chores. helping Mother wash in A.M. & fixing screen doors around house. plowing & scraping around house. fixing up yard.  
May 30 Tuesday. doing chores. working in yard. at new house. also took load of lumber to mill & got some riped.  
May 30 Tuesday. doing chores. working in yard. at new house. also took load of lumber to mill & got some riped.  
May 31 Wednesday. drove down below Copetown. to see binder. & called on Mr Ralph. & Mr Hope. I found binder in very poor shape. rain about noon got selling eggs. from Joe Archer. XXX {written in left margin} & set hen.
May 31 Wednesday. drove down below Copetown. to see binder. & called on Mr Ralph. & Mr Hope. I found binder in very poor shape. rain about noon got selling eggs. from Joe Archer. XXX {written in left margin} & set hen. posted letter to H.E.P.

Revision as of Nov 21, 2023, 6:18:03 PM

1911 Daily Record.


May 26 Friday. doing chores. went to mill for lumber. & took 3 piece of joice {joist}. W Woodworths. women's missionary he at Lynden Methodist Church.

May 27 Saturday. doing chores. harrowing hoe crop ground. Dad drawing lumber & cleaning up yard. down st at night.

May 28 Sunday. doing chores. very warm went to church in A.M. & also to J.O.O.F. meeting held in Methodist church. home in evening. cooler at night.

May 29 Monday. doing chores. helping Mother wash in A.M. & fixing screen doors around house. plowing & scraping around house. fixing up yard.

May 30 Tuesday. doing chores. working in yard. at new house. also took load of lumber to mill & got some riped.

May 31 Wednesday. drove down below Copetown. to see binder. & called on Mr Ralph. & Mr Hope. I found binder in very poor shape. rain about noon got selling eggs. from Joe Archer. XXX {written in left margin} & set hen. posted letter to H.E.P.

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