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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-3.pdf

Revision as of Feb 22, 2025, 7:18:59 PM
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Revision as of Feb 22, 2025, 8:53:29 PM
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2 [[Teu?]] 4 looked like rain & sprinkled once & awhile then the wind started to blow & got awful high towards night got cold wind west & swept & sahed the schoolhouse Marjorie baked bread. it was dangerous to have a fire. we had the pike for breakfast. Hannie & Hattie over in the evening. Arthur ploughing. Will making gates. Paul brought the Turkey home. I finished my chemise
2 Teu 4 looked like rain & sprinkled once & awhile then the wind started to blow & got awful high towards night got cold wind west & swept & sahed the schoolhouse Marjorie baked bread. it was dangerous to have a fire. we had the pike for breakfast. Hannie & Hattie over in the evening. Arthur ploughing. Will making gates. Paul brought the Turkey home. I finished my chemise
Wed 5 cold wind all day Fanny & her father & mother went to Drummondville Fannie went in to see Frances Miller. Frank has the fever now. I washed quite a washing by hand I was over to the other house for a long time At night both the girls were in we got a letter from Ella Forest with another collar Marjorie went to Emily Montagues for apples called in to Pet: & May is getting the Measles. got a bag & a basket of apples.
Wed 5 cold wind all day Fanny & her father & mother went to Drummondville Fannie went in to see Frances Miller. Frank has the fever now. I washed quite a washing by hand I was over to the other house for a long time At night both the girls were in we got a letter from Ella Forest with another collar Marjorie went to Emily Montagues for apples called in to Pel: & May is getting the Measles. got a bag & a basket of apples.
Thurs 6 cold north-west wind 12 eggs today Marjorie & Hattie have gone to Drummondville 3 1/2 doz of eggs. Paul dug horse radish & washed & pealed it & grated some Paul grated a little & Fannie came in & finished it I never saw anything so strong. Will set his marsh on fire Paul burnt ours Clara came home on Teusday
Thurs 6 cold north-west wind 12 eggs today Marjorie & Hattie have gone to Drummondville 3 1/2 doz of eggs. Paul dug horse radish & washed & pealed it & grated some Paul grated a little & Fannie came in & finished it I never saw anything so strong. Will set his marsh on fire Paul burnt ours Clara came home on Teusday
Friday 7 north west wind Terrible frosts at night. froze the hens drink solid I tried to finish my waist had to go & sweep & dust & the school house at work, and all, the forenoon to snip Ethel Montagues dress frills & Marjorie faced it & I sewed the frills on & she got it at night. Maria Spencer came & stayed all night - got her supper
Sat - 8 terrible cold north west wind She went. Mr Mills after dinner came back & went Mr Martin Dells. I made him pies & cleaned the floor. Paul rode to Chippawa with Maggie & only for eggs 15 pr doz had 2 doz. got a box of herrings. Hattie went to Berlin rode down to Chippawa with Ed & Pel
Sun 9 beautiful day a little warmer we get a dozen eggs a day now. Annie Marshall for dinner over to the other house. Fannie & Arthur Don Dell in the Evening. church Sunday
Mon 10. We got no sleep last night on account of the horse pounding so much. drizling rain most of the day, but did not amount to much Arthur working up st the head of the lot Paul caught 9 fish we had them for

Revision as of Feb 22, 2025, 8:53:29 PM

2 Teu 4 looked like rain & sprinkled once & awhile then the wind started to blow & got awful high towards night got cold wind west & swept & sahed the schoolhouse Marjorie baked bread. it was dangerous to have a fire. we had the pike for breakfast. Hannie & Hattie over in the evening. Arthur ploughing. Will making gates. Paul brought the Turkey home. I finished my chemise Wed 5 cold wind all day Fanny & her father & mother went to Drummondville Fannie went in to see Frances Miller. Frank has the fever now. I washed quite a washing by hand I was over to the other house for a long time At night both the girls were in we got a letter from Ella Forest with another collar Marjorie went to Emily Montagues for apples called in to Pel: & May is getting the Measles. got a bag & a basket of apples. Thurs 6 cold north-west wind 12 eggs today Marjorie & Hattie have gone to Drummondville 3 1/2 doz of eggs. Paul dug horse radish & washed & pealed it & grated some Paul grated a little & Fannie came in & finished it I never saw anything so strong. Will set his marsh on fire Paul burnt ours Clara came home on Teusday

Friday 7 north west wind Terrible frosts at night. froze the hens drink solid I tried to finish my waist had to go & sweep & dust & the school house at work, and all, the forenoon to snip Ethel Montagues dress frills & Marjorie faced it & I sewed the frills on & she got it at night. Maria Spencer came & stayed all night - got her supper Sat - 8 terrible cold north west wind She went. Mr Mills after dinner came back & went Mr Martin Dells. I made him pies & cleaned the floor. Paul rode to Chippawa with Maggie & only for eggs 15 pr doz had 2 doz. got a box of herrings. Hattie went to Berlin rode down to Chippawa with Ed & Pel Sun 9 beautiful day a little warmer we get a dozen eggs a day now. Annie Marshall for dinner over to the other house. Fannie & Arthur Don Dell in the Evening. church Sunday Mon 10. We got no sleep last night on account of the horse pounding so much. drizling rain most of the day, but did not amount to much Arthur working up st the head of the lot Paul caught 9 fish we had them for

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