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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 3..pdf

Revision as of Jan 6, 2025, 7:11:45 PM
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Revision as of Jan 6, 2025, 7:13:39 PM
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Line 1: Line 1:
to milk the cow and then she did not give as much as Dad gets. Then I let her go before I took the calf away from the other cow and it scared the calf. Bill rode Old Harry down town for Harry Ansley sent word over at noon that he wanted him back to haul some sand. Daddy and Dick went over to Bannister to get some setting hens and I saw a section of an old hollow hasswood for a nest. When they came back they told us that Mrs. Liddy had a child and was dead. It has been very much cooler today with a wind in the east. We left Davie out in the orchard to-night. He seems to be getting over his lonesomeness a little.
to milk the cow and then she did not give as much as Dad gets. Then I let her go before I took the calf away from the other cow and it scared the calf. Bill rode Old Harry down town for Harry Ansley sent word over at noon that he wanted him back to haul some sand. Daddy and Dick went over to Bannister to get some setting hens and I saw a section of an old hollow hasswood for a nest. When they came back they told us that Mrs. Liddy had a child and was dead. It has been very much cooler to-day with a wind in the east. We left Davie out in the orchard to-night. He seems to be getting over his lonesomeness a little.

Revision as of Jan 6, 2025, 7:13:39 PM

to milk the cow and then she did not give as much as Dad gets. Then I let her go before I took the calf away from the other cow and it scared the calf. Bill rode Old Harry down town for Harry Ansley sent word over at noon that he wanted him back to haul some sand. Daddy and Dick went over to Bannister to get some setting hens and I saw a section of an old hollow hasswood for a nest. When they came back they told us that Mrs. Liddy had a child and was dead. It has been very much cooler to-day with a wind in the east. We left Davie out in the orchard to-night. He seems to be getting over his lonesomeness a little.

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