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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 51..pdf

Revision as of Jan 20, 2025, 8:51:12 PM
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Revision as of Jan 20, 2025, 8:53:38 PM
edited by
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while they were gone I cut some weeds with the scythe and helped Huby trim thorn trees over on Coleman's line. We got in five loads altogether to-day and left one in the barn. There is a little over a load out in the field yet.
while they were gone I cut some weeds with the scythe and helped Huby trim thorn trees over on Coleman's line. We got in five loads altogether to-day and left one in the barn. There is a little over a load out in the field yet.
Ferdie was over with Dick most of the after noon.
We were very late to-night with the chores as the last load was late coming in
It has been pretty falrly warm to-day but cloudy and windy a lot of the time. It looks a little like rain but we do not know when it will come and hope not for awhile. We got a letter from Aunty to-day.

Revision as of Jan 20, 2025, 8:53:38 PM

while they were gone I cut some weeds with the scythe and helped Huby trim thorn trees over on Coleman's line. We got in five loads altogether to-day and left one in the barn. There is a little over a load out in the field yet.

Ferdie was over with Dick most of the after noon.

We were very late to-night with the chores as the last load was late coming in

It has been pretty falrly warm to-day but cloudy and windy a lot of the time. It looks a little like rain but we do not know when it will come and hope not for awhile. We got a letter from Aunty to-day.

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