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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 51..pdf
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while they were gone I cut some weeds with the scythe and helped Huby trim thorn trees over on Coleman's line. We got in five loads altogether to-day and left one in the barn. There is a little over a load out in the field yet.
Ferdie was over with Dick most of the after noon.
We were very late to-night with the chores as the last load was late coming in
It has been pretty falrly warm to-day but cloudy and windy a lot of the time. It looks a little like rain but we do not know when it will come and hope not for awhile. We got a letter from Aunty to-day.
Sunday July 23rd
Got up about half past seven this morning and helped Daddy with the chores, then got fixed up and went down to Sunday School and church. Nothing unusual happened. I went home with Daddy and Enah who drove Joe and Ginger down. I read "Pepy's Diary" till about three o'clock, when I went down town with the intention of going in for a swim but as there was nobody around I did not go in but went up to the park and walked up the beach a little way with Hazen and Stubbon Brock. Then sat in the square a little while with Egg Thompson and Billy Miller. Then I went down to Huby's for tea, thence to church and pumped for Wiser. I came home soon afterwards as it looked rainy. It has all day and is just sprinkling a little. Bill has just come in. He did not go home at all.
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