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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 57..pdf

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 2:20:29 PM
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Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 2:21:46 PM
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Monday July 31st
Monday July 31st
Mr. Smith and huis new man (Mr. Collins from Hamilton or some place) came this morning to put on the second coat and do the glazing. Emery and Bill both turned up too. They woeked at the cement wall all day. Dick got up early this orning for a change and also to pick a bushel of harvest apples to sell to Ed. Moor. Daddy went down ton with the bug team and hay rack and got thirty more bags of cement and aslso took Dick and his apples down.
Mr. Smith and his new man (Mr. Collins from Hamilton or some place) came this morning to put on the second coat and do the glazing. Emery and Bill both turned up too. They worked at the cement wall all day. Dick got up early this morning for a change and also to pick a bushel of harvest apples to sell to Ed. Moor. Daddy went down town with the big team and hay rack and got thirty more bags of cement and also took Dick and his apples down.

Revision as of Jan 21, 2025, 2:21:46 PM

Monday July 31st

Mr. Smith and his new man (Mr. Collins from Hamilton or some place) came this morning to put on the second coat and do the glazing. Emery and Bill both turned up too. They worked at the cement wall all day. Dick got up early this morning for a change and also to pick a bushel of harvest apples to sell to Ed. Moor. Daddy went down town with the big team and hay rack and got thirty more bags of cement and also took Dick and his apples down.

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