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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 57..pdf
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Monday July 31st
Mr. Smith and his new man (Mr. Collins from Hamilton or some place) came this morning to put on the second coat and do the glazing. Emery and Bill both turned up too. They worked at the cement wall all day. Dick got up early this morning for a change and also to pick a bushel of harvest apples to sell to Ed. Moor. Daddy went down town with the big team and hay rack and got thirty more bags of cement and also took Dick and his apples down. He got the glass for the windows and Mr. Smith put them in. Dick went down town this afternoon and stayed all the afternoon. He brought a letter from Grand daddy saying he expected to send Frank here about September 1st. I did not do any thing in particular to-day. This morning I raked up the rest of the front lawn and piled the rakings in a heap to be burned. I cut some lawn and sawed a little wood. Then I cleared up the broken glass and mess that Mr. Smith had made and worked around the horse-stable the rest of the day.
Huby and Harry Battersby drove Dave's horse over this afternoon and Huby made out some insurance policy. Mrs. & Miss Dixon were here to-night. Bill thought to-day he would keep away from town this week, but he is down to-night just the same. We have the west side wall of the stable finished now and well started on the north end.
It has been pretty hot to-day. A thrashing out-fit has just gone past. Parliament dissolved (Saturday). The dates of the new election are set. Nomination Sept 12, and polling {Margin note} Sept 21st. The Globe says this is the most important election campaign in Canadian history as Reciprocity is the issue.
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