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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 72..pdf

Revision as of Jan 25, 2025, 11:36:46 AM
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Revision as of Jan 25, 2025, 11:38:02 AM
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Tuesday August 22nd
Tuesday August 22nd
This morning I cleaned up the floor in the other barn and the granaries and also nailed up some rat-holes. I just put the chaff in a big heap on the barn floor. Daddy and Emery fixed some posts that were rotted off over the new stable. Dick churned and got a nice mess of good butter. About ten o'clock, Sam Law got his machine at Vyse's so Daddy went over to help thrash. Emery took the big team back with the plow to start work on the oat stubble and alsike ground for wheat. Belle fell down going down the hill at the end of the lane so Emery took two or three furrows off that which made it much better.
This morning I cleaned up the floor in the other barn and the granaries and also nailed up some rat-holes. I just put the chaff in a big heap on the barn floor. Daddy and Emery fixed some posts that were rotted off over the new stable. Dick churned and got a nice mess of good butter. About ten o'clock, Sam Law got his machine at Vyse's so Daddy went over to help thrash. Emery took the big team back with the plow to start work on the oat stubble and alsike ground for wheat. Belle fell down going down the hill at the end of the lane so Emery took two or three furrows off that which made it much better. We plowed till noon. I plowed a couple of furrows in the easy ground and did not do so badly considering I did not have the wheel on.

Revision as of Jan 25, 2025, 11:38:02 AM

Tuesday August 22nd

This morning I cleaned up the floor in the other barn and the granaries and also nailed up some rat-holes. I just put the chaff in a big heap on the barn floor. Daddy and Emery fixed some posts that were rotted off over the new stable. Dick churned and got a nice mess of good butter. About ten o'clock, Sam Law got his machine at Vyse's so Daddy went over to help thrash. Emery took the big team back with the plow to start work on the oat stubble and alsike ground for wheat. Belle fell down going down the hill at the end of the lane so Emery took two or three furrows off that which made it much better. We plowed till noon. I plowed a couple of furrows in the easy ground and did not do so badly considering I did not have the wheel on.

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