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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881


Revision as of Nov 7, 2023, 5:34:30 PM
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Revision as of Nov 7, 2023, 5:38:21 PM
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26. WEDNESDAY (26-339)Very Stormy day. I finished the peas with flail + cleaned up floor. Father + I put them through twice + baged them up 9 bags or about 23 bushels. We took 7 bus out of bin so as to make a load. Loft 10 bus for feed and purpose buying seed. Got notice to pay note of $49 for cow at Merchants Bank O.S. on 31st Jan. The former notice of this days work shows we have been getting ready.  
26. WEDNESDAY (26-339)Very Stormy day. I finished the peas with flail + cleaned up floor. Father + I put them through twice + baged them up 9 bags or about 23 bushels. We took 7 bus out of bin so as to make a load. Loft 10 bus for feed and purpose buying seed. Got notice to pay note of $49 for cow at Merchants Bank O.S. on 31st Jan. The former notice of this days work shows we have been getting ready.  
27. THURSDAY (27-338)Snowy day all day so it is now getting pretty deep. I measured out (seed 14 bus + feed for 7 months 28 bus) of wheat bin There are only 18 bus for sale. Afternoon battoned some cracks in horse stable + threw off snow off  
27. THURSDAY (27-338)Snowy day all day so it is now getting pretty deep. I measured out (seed 14 bus + feed for 7 months 28 bus) of wheat bin There are only 18 bus for sale. Afternoon battoned some cracks in horse stable + threw off snow off (transcription in progress)
28. FRIDAY (28-337)
28. FRIDAY (28-337)

Revision as of Nov 7, 2023, 5:38:21 PM


1881. 31 DAYS. JANUARY.

24. MONDAY (24-341)Thrashing peas 4 floors took all day. I think I will finish them tomorrow. Very cold day + snow falling scarsely Evening at Y.P.C.A. had pleasant meeting.

25. TUESDAY (25-340)Thrashing peas 4 floors. There is that many left that I will have to thrash them with the flail of so (?) that I cannot thrash them with the horses. So they cannot be a big job now. Blowy day but not so cold as yesterday.

26. WEDNESDAY (26-339)Very Stormy day. I finished the peas with flail + cleaned up floor. Father + I put them through twice + baged them up 9 bags or about 23 bushels. We took 7 bus out of bin so as to make a load. Loft 10 bus for feed and purpose buying seed. Got notice to pay note of $49 for cow at Merchants Bank O.S. on 31st Jan. The former notice of this days work shows we have been getting ready.

27. THURSDAY (27-338)Snowy day all day so it is now getting pretty deep. I measured out (seed 14 bus + feed for 7 months 28 bus) of wheat bin There are only 18 bus for sale. Afternoon battoned some cracks in horse stable + threw off snow off (transcription in progress)

28. FRIDAY (28-337)

29. SATURDAY (29-336)

30. SUNDAY 4 after Epiphany (30-335)

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