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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881


Revision as of Nov 10, 2023, 12:45:37 AM
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Revision as of Nov 10, 2023, 12:49:57 AM
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16. WEDNESDAY (47-318)
16. WEDNESDAY (47-318)
Took in remainder of straw stack into driving shed for bedding horses. Afternoon went to back end of 50 acres to see the measuring of square timber by caller. The lumbermen went on to our lot with out permission & cut 10 or 12 sticks. Money is forwarded by post as there was 2 sticks hauled away which they were to measure on this way home. Evening went to see Mr Jackmen's + family.
17. THURSDAY (48-317)
17. THURSDAY (48-317)

Revision as of Nov 10, 2023, 12:49:57 AM


14. MONDAY (45-320)

Frosty morning & roads hard so I went to O. Sound Market with load of Oats 16 bags 52 33/34 bushels @ 34 c $18.01. Expenses 35 c From here to {Saagden?} road the road was very high & narrow but the sleigh kept on very well. Evening at Y.P.C.A. Had fine meeting. The debate was very well handled & showed a marked in improvement. Splendid Moonlit night with foreboding circle round the moon

15. TUESDAY (46-319)

Got all hands up at 4 oclock and cleaned 8 bags Oats 7 bags wheat. Got away with load alittle past 8 oclock. Had 26 05/34 bus. Oats @ 34 c $8.89. Wheat 16 21/60 bus @ 1.07 = $17.49. Amount 26.38 Transmitted by draft on Merchants Bank $107. part of installment on farm balance in 3 {months?} Expense of sundries 85 c Got whip from R. Robertson payment made by bringing out good Fine day & O. Sounds was pretty lively.

16. WEDNESDAY (47-318)

Took in remainder of straw stack into driving shed for bedding horses. Afternoon went to back end of 50 acres to see the measuring of square timber by caller. The lumbermen went on to our lot with out permission & cut 10 or 12 sticks. Money is forwarded by post as there was 2 sticks hauled away which they were to measure on this way home. Evening went to see Mr Jackmen's + family.

17. THURSDAY (48-317)

18. FRIDAY (49-316)

19. SATURDAY (50-315)

20. SUNDAY (51-314) Sexagensima

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