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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917

Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917 12.pdf

Revision as of Aug 2, 2024, 3:38:54 AM
created by
Revision as of Sep 24, 2024, 7:59:34 PM
edited by
Line 1: Line 1:
Aug 24 rained again today
Aug 24 Rained Again today.
Aug 27th weather cool since Teusday hoe lohts there 5 days this week.
Aug 27th weather cool since Tuesday have picked about 2000 bshls these 5 days this week.
Aug 30 Big thunder storm in the night heavy rain
Aug 29. Big thunder storm in the night heavy rain.
Aug 30 shipped some cabret apples to Toronto sold at 40¢ lohts
Aug 30 Shipped some Cabaret apples to Toronto sold at 40¢ bshl
Sept 4th fine all week no rain very busy with plums and Tomatoes loht 2 shipped 5 dozen pumpkins to Toronto sold at 12¢ each cleared about 85 ¢ dozen
Sept 4th fine all week no Rain very busy with plums & Tomatoes  
Sept 9 picking 200 lohts Barttett Howell Peas sold Barttetts at 45 Howells at 40¢
Sept 22 shipped 5 doz pumpkins to Toronto sold at 12¢ each cleared about 854 doz
Sept 9 Picking 200 bshls Bartlett & Howell Pears. sold Bartletts at 45 Howells at 40¢
Sept 13th one of the worst thunder storms for years in this section last night
Sept 13th one of the worst thunder storms for years in this section last night
Sept 17th weather as been very warm all week
Sept 17th weather has been very warm all week.
Sept 20th finishedpicking tomatoes for this year
Sept 20th finished picking Tomatoes for this year.
Sept 20 and 21st picked nearly 160 lohts peppers
Sept 20 & 21st Picked nearly 160 bshls Peppers
Sept 23 started picking cranberry pippin apples
Sept 23 started Picking Cranberry Pippin Apples.
Oct 1st finished picking plums very large crops
Oct 1st finished picking Plums very large crop.

Revision as of Sep 24, 2024, 7:59:34 PM

Aug 24 Rained Again today.

Aug 27th weather cool since Tuesday have picked about 2000 bshls these 5 days this week.

Aug 29. Big thunder storm in the night heavy rain.

Aug 30 Shipped some Cabaret apples to Toronto sold at 40¢ bshl

Sept 4th fine all week no Rain very busy with plums & Tomatoes

Sept 22 shipped 5 doz pumpkins to Toronto sold at 12¢ each cleared about 854 doz

Sept 9 Picking 200 bshls Bartlett & Howell Pears. sold Bartletts at 45 Howells at 40¢

Sept 13th one of the worst thunder storms for years in this section last night

Sept 17th weather has been very warm all week.

Sept 20th finished picking Tomatoes for this year.

Sept 20 & 21st Picked nearly 160 bshls Peppers

Sept 23 started Picking Cranberry Pippin Apples.

Oct 1st finished picking Plums very large crop.

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