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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905

Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 26.pdf

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== December 1888 ==
== December 1888 ==
20. Tuesday.  
20. Tuesday. Practicing, practicing for Christmas concert.
  Practicing, practicing for Christmas concert.
21. High school has a kind of an entertainment tonight. The medals will be given to the parties who won them at the summer examination.
21. High school has a kind of an entertainment tonight. The medals will be given to the parties who won them at the summer examination.

Revision as of Aug 31, 2024, 8:10:38 PM

December 1888

20. Tuesday. Practicing, practicing for Christmas concert.

21. High school has a kind of an entertainment tonight. The medals will be given to the parties who won them at the summer examination.

22. D.B. McLennan & Charlotte were here last night to tea. Jimmie sold 35 bush oats at Lancaster, sugar 25.

23. Murdie went to Cornwall. Got at Nelle's 1 gal coal oil 14. 3 gals molasses. 3 pks 13. 4 spools thread 18. 2 lbs raisins 24. 2 lbs currants 16. Candy & raisins 25.

24. Fine day. Good sermon.

25. Fine day. Jimmie came in afternoon and I went to the concert at Munro & Bred's.

26. Halley & Birdie went to Dr. Roy's.

27. Far. came home today. Halley & Bird visited at C. Co's.

28. Donald R. Grant was buried at Pine Grove today. Jimmie drove Halley to the funeral. Widow Alick French was buried today aged 81.

29. Jimmie got hay from S. Hislop. Sold one load wood. Took the grain to the grist mill.

30. Drove to the manse to take the time for the minister. Sold 2 days egg 3 lbs, got 7 lbs sugar @ 16, cream candy 13.

31. Church cold, very slippery. Halley did not turn up yet.

Here is the transcription of the diary page from January 1889:

January 1889

1. Sabbath. Halley was in church. She gave Ben the pants. Murdie, Jimmie went North for the evening and came round by the Depot and waited until the train came at 10, and brought Murdie home.

2. Election of Councilors. Jimmie poll clerk. Week of prayer. Meetings tonight and tomorrow at Hephzibah. Cold day.

3. Fine day, mercury 25 above zero at 8 a.m. Birdie & I went this afternoon to Dr. Roy's.

4. Rain all day, ugly day. Meeting at Mr. Fallon's hall. People falling it was so slippery.

5. Very mild day for January. All through the W.C.T.U. M.E.L. formed. My efforts were [three] bushels of clover, 33 cts.

6. Jimmie took Marion to Lancaster to the Dentist and she went to the harness and got the back fixed, cost of dressing it 85 cts. Turned very stormy about noon. Angus still storming. J.P. McLellan called for an hour this afternoon.

7. Stormy all day. Snider By Cash $6.00 for rent.

8. Sunday. Dull day, neither good for sleighing or walking, not many in church. Mrs. William Burnett died last night. She was ill for over a year.

9. Murdie got to Wilson Front. 10 p.m. mercury down to 12.

10. Murdie down today at 7 a.m. Sold 5 dozen eggs 110. lbs sugar 25; molasses 22 1/2 cts. Got a ball for 10 cts. Marion & Murdie went to Lancaster, she got some cloth for Jimmie. The girls Murdie and myself went to the children’s social. Had a very pleasant evening.

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