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Melba & Rosamond Sweet Diary, 1928


Revision as of Aug 31, 2024, 6:41:24 PM
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Revision as of Aug 31, 2024, 6:53:31 PM
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July 28 Saturday 28
to town this morning and then to St. Thomas. When they came home they went out to Earl Adams for a swarm of bees. Harry sent me some lolly peppers through the mail. I canned black currents.
July 29 Sunday 29
A grand day and quite cool. Very cool tonight. We all went out to Eugenes for dinner. We went out to see Dr. McLay about dads finger. Mother, Mrs. Thompson and I went to church tonight. Dr. Davis was out this morning.
July 30 Monday 30
A lovely day. I went to town this morning, took the mower knife out. We papered the toilet. Mr. Barnum died last night. Charlie and his Father were here. Mr. Percy and Henry were here too this afternoon. Mr. Hodge was here to see about the floors

Revision as of Aug 31, 2024, 6:53:31 PM

July 28 Saturday 28 to town this morning and then to St. Thomas. When they came home they went out to Earl Adams for a swarm of bees. Harry sent me some lolly peppers through the mail. I canned black currents.

July 29 Sunday 29 A grand day and quite cool. Very cool tonight. We all went out to Eugenes for dinner. We went out to see Dr. McLay about dads finger. Mother, Mrs. Thompson and I went to church tonight. Dr. Davis was out this morning.

July 30 Monday 30 A lovely day. I went to town this morning, took the mower knife out. We papered the toilet. Mr. Barnum died last night. Charlie and his Father were here. Mr. Percy and Henry were here too this afternoon. Mr. Hodge was here to see about the floors

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