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Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1854-1858

Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1854-1858 Diary 1.pdf

Revision as of Mar 26, 2024, 3:29:23 PM
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Revision as of Mar 26, 2024, 3:30:39 PM
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Cutting corn stalks. 43 pounds of { } from Thurner. 11 lbs of candle fat. Cow improving
Cutting corn stalks. 43 pounds of { } from Thurner. 11 lbs of candle fat. Cow improving
Saturday 11th.
Digging potatoes and odd jobs. 2 doz. herrings at 7 <sup>1/2 d</sup> and P.d. and 8 lbs. of white fish at 3 cents per lb. Began to rain at night.

Revision as of Mar 26, 2024, 3:30:39 PM


Day book and Memoranda

November 5th. Sunday

This day I commence keeping a Meoranda of weather work and { } transactions. Cold with a thin layer of snow.


Raining all day. 3 1/2 dozen herrings at a York shilling per D.

Tuesday 7th.

Forenoon rainy but cleared off in the afternoon.

Wednesday 8th.

Fine weather. 2 white fish from 9 { } Goble at 7 1/2 each. Cow sick.

Thursday 9th.

Friday 10th.

Cutting corn stalks. 43 pounds of { } from Thurner. 11 lbs of candle fat. Cow improving

Saturday 11th.

Digging potatoes and odd jobs. 2 doz. herrings at 7 1/2 d and P.d. and 8 lbs. of white fish at 3 cents per lb. Began to rain at night.

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