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Nathaniel E. Leeder Diary, 1861-1862

Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1861 Diary 5.pdf

Revision as of Mar 7, 2025, 10:59:33 PM
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Revision as of Mar 8, 2025, 4:16:12 AM
edited by
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M. 10th.  
M. 10th.  
T. 11th. Started
T. 11th. Started for Mr. J. David's of Woolwich Township.
Th. 20th. Returned last night from below. Paid Br. Lehnen the sum of four Dolrs. which I promised for Mr. Tuerk when he was on his Missionary tour also Four Dolrs 48 cts for the New Jerusalem Magazine & New Jerusalem Messenger also One Dolr & 38 cts for the True Christian Religion Paid Messrs L & Ruby 244 Dolrs. this is the balance on the Note due them since last Febry. Also One hundred Dolrs. on A/C to L & Ruby. Paid James George his shoemaking A/C. Eleven Dolrs. Eighty four cts. Paid Christ Schwendker Twenty five Dolrs this was Due by me to Brother Frize. Christ will give him his note due in Six months for

Revision as of Mar 8, 2025, 4:16:12 AM

the Government Money on the whole Lot. Received of Born 14 B. 36 lbs. of pease with bags for which I must give him the same weight of pease for seed. Paid to Robert 14 B. 29 lbs. of pease per A/C.

F 7th. Received an answer from the Emigration Agent Quebec. Stored 4 bags of wheat at Christian's Robs oxen 1/2 day.

S. 8th. Robs Oxen half day.

S. 9th.

M. 10th.

T. 11th. Started for Mr. J. David's of Woolwich Township.

Th. 20th. Returned last night from below. Paid Br. Lehnen the sum of four Dolrs. which I promised for Mr. Tuerk when he was on his Missionary tour also Four Dolrs 48 cts for the New Jerusalem Magazine & New Jerusalem Messenger also One Dolr & 38 cts for the True Christian Religion Paid Messrs L & Ruby 244 Dolrs. this is the balance on the Note due them since last Febry. Also One hundred Dolrs. on A/C to L & Ruby. Paid James George his shoemaking A/C. Eleven Dolrs. Eighty four cts. Paid Christ Schwendker Twenty five Dolrs this was Due by me to Brother Frize. Christ will give him his note due in Six months for

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