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William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883

William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 6.pdf

Revision as of Jun 19, 2024, 12:47:30 PM
edited by
Revision as of Nov 10, 2024, 1:36:17 AM
edited by
Line 5: Line 5:
   <td>Ezra read up the lain & fence split some wood</td>
Line 11: Line 11:
   <td>Revd Mr Huston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night cold day with a little rain</td>
Line 17: Line 17:
   <td>Ad & Ezra cleaned up a grist & other chores</td>
Line 23: Line 23:
   <td>they all worked on Wallaces place with both teams they all done that they could do</td>
Line 29: Line 29:
   <td>Ad & Ezra scraped what dirt was thone out of a grass ditch in the northeast field and down the East line to north ditch</td>
Line 35: Line 35:
   <td>Wallace & Ezra is working in the northeast field they plowed draged and sowed 9 bushel of oats the ground places hard fine day</td>
Line 41: Line 41:
   <td>the Woods begin to look Red</td>
   <td>the Woods begin to look Red</td>
   <td>Ad and Jennie went on the Express for Hosc{illegible}  Ezra plowed in the same field fine day</td>
Line 47: Line 47:
   <td>Ezra & Wallace worked in same field they sowed 6  bushel of oats</td>
Line 53: Line 53:
   <td>Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Houston at night</td>
Line 59: Line 59:
   <td>Wallace & Ezra finished the Northeast field sowed 4 bushel of oats Ezra plowed part of the garden on the East side a fine showr in the forenoon A Miss Snider came this afternoon to help Ellen to do the work</td>
Line 65: Line 65:
   <td>Ezra & Wallace worked at the road expect a little that Wallace did here with the cultivater in the garden where Ezra plowed to break the lumps </td>
Line 71: Line 71:
   <td>I planted a bushel of potatoes in the garden & 2 quarts of multiplier onions</td>
Line 77: Line 77:
   <td>planted more potatos and some Beets seed Ezra & Wallace worked at road</td>
Line 83: Line 83:
   <td>Ezra & Wallace worked at the road</td>
Line 89: Line 89:
   <td>Ezra & Wallace worked at the road very dry time with wind I sowed timothy & clover seed on the peice where Ad put Abs oats I sowed grass seed in the Northeast field</td>
Line 95: Line 95:
   <td>Revd Mr Huston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night</td>

Revision as of Nov 10, 2024, 1:36:17 AM


May 1 Ezra read up the lain & fence split some wood
2 Revd Mr Huston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night cold day with a little rain
3 Ad & Ezra cleaned up a grist & other chores
4 they all worked on Wallaces place with both teams they all done that they could do
5 Ad & Ezra scraped what dirt was thone out of a grass ditch in the northeast field and down the East line to north ditch
6 Wallace & Ezra is working in the northeast field they plowed draged and sowed 9 bushel of oats the ground places hard fine day
the Woods begin to look Red 7 Ad and Jennie went on the Express for Hosc{illegible} Ezra plowed in the same field fine day
8 Ezra & Wallace worked in same field they sowed 6 bushel of oats
9 Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Houston at night
10 Wallace & Ezra finished the Northeast field sowed 4 bushel of oats Ezra plowed part of the garden on the East side a fine showr in the forenoon A Miss Snider came this afternoon to help Ellen to do the work
11 Ezra & Wallace worked at the road expect a little that Wallace did here with the cultivater in the garden where Ezra plowed to break the lumps
12 I planted a bushel of potatoes in the garden & 2 quarts of multiplier onions
planted more potatos and some Beets seed Ezra & Wallace worked at road
14 Ezra & Wallace worked at the road
15 Ezra & Wallace worked at the road very dry time with wind I sowed timothy & clover seed on the peice where Ad put Abs oats I sowed grass seed in the Northeast field
16 Revd Mr Huston preached this morning Mr Matthews at night
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