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William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883

William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 18.pdf

Revision as of Jul 12, 2024, 6:02:13 PM
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Revision as of Nov 11, 2024, 12:38:03 AM
edited by
Line 10: Line 10:
   <td>19 Fred went to Ab McNeils for wood with the slough this morning fine day</td>
  <td> Fred went to Ab McNeils for wood with the slough this morning fine day</td>
Line 23: Line 23:
   <td>Fred drew sand all day to the {rest of line illegible}</td>
   <td>Fred drew sand all day to the house I {illegible}</td>
Line 29: Line 29:
   <td>Fred went to the {many line illegible}</td>
   <td>Fred went to the sixth consession for a load of wood he has finished the drawing from { illegible}</td>
  <td>Fred went to the shanty for wood he brock the king {illegible} out of the slaugh he went out to the road for the other slaugh it had the frount pice of the Shoe brock  had to get that fixed</td>
  <td> Wallace went for Jenie Fred got his load of wood home after he got the slaugh fixed</td>
  <td> Fred drew a load of wood from the shanty  Miss Rogers & Miss Parker came from gananoque with Gilles last night  {illegible} went to gananoque with Miss Hogan & Fisher Fred went for wood to the shanty drew 2 loads that is that there is cut fine day</td>
  <td>Revd Mr Houston preached this morning or rather at night </td>
   <td>{first of entry illegible} drew 2 loads that is that there is cut fine day </td>
   <td>{illegible} went to gananoque with Miss Roger and Parker Fred went for wood to the shanty drew 2 loads that is that there is cut fine day </td>
  <td><s>stormy day Fred finished the wood in the {illegible}</s> we cleaned up 7 bushel of fall wheat it is all that is here we have 27 bushel left here the rest {rest of entry illegible}</td>
Line 41: Line 76:
   <td>{first part of entry stroked through and illegible} we cleaned up 7 bushel of fall wheat it is all that is here we have 27 bushel {rest of entry illegible}</td>
   <td>Fred drew dung at the road {rest of entry illegible}</td>

Revision as of Nov 11, 2024, 12:38:03 AM


Nov 18 the Ram brock out yesterday to Coplands sheep they came home We fixed the hog pen & sheep pen there is about 4 inches more snow Fred went to the road & got slough riged for to draw wood
19 Fred went to Ab McNeils for wood with the slough this morning fine day
{many lines illegible}
23 Fred drew sand all day to the house I {illegible}
24 Fred went to the sixth consession for a load of wood he has finished the drawing from { illegible}
25 Fred went to the shanty for wood he brock the king {illegible} out of the slaugh he went out to the road for the other slaugh it had the frount pice of the Shoe brock had to get that fixed
26 Wallace went for Jenie Fred got his load of wood home after he got the slaugh fixed
27 Fred drew a load of wood from the shanty Miss Rogers & Miss Parker came from gananoque with Gilles last night {illegible} went to gananoque with Miss Hogan & Fisher Fred went for wood to the shanty drew 2 loads that is that there is cut fine day
28 Revd Mr Houston preached this morning or rather at night
29 {illegible} went to gananoque with Miss Roger and Parker Fred went for wood to the shanty drew 2 loads that is that there is cut fine day
30 stormy day Fred finished the wood in the {illegible} we cleaned up 7 bushel of fall wheat it is all that is here we have 27 bushel left here the rest {rest of entry illegible}
30 Fred drew dung at the road {rest of entry illegible}
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