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William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883

William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 38.pdf

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Revision as of Nov 13, 2024, 1:34:34 PM
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  <td>Sept 18 </td>
   <td>Revd Mr Crage preached this Mr Forest night</td>
   <td>Robert Cornett began to work {illegible} him he draged & plowed in the corner field & I went to the sixth Con to fight fire with B. McNeil & his man</td>
   <td>Ad went to fight fire Robert plowed I went to Kingston to the Presbytery Mr Shaw went too</td>
   <td>Ad did not come home Wall & all hands out to the fire it is on the rear of there lotes</td>
   <td>I got home on the Mixed this morning the Presbytery closed yesterday afternoon we have to pay Mr Matthews his arrears if we do not we will get no Home Mission grant all arrears must be paid then we will get two dollars per Sabbath untill we get a settled minister</td>
   <td>Robert finished the plowing in the corner field this forenoon a fine rain last night that is the first rain for over two months Rob shoveled the furrows of the first sowed wheat</td>
   <td>rain this forenoon I sowed 5 bushel of wheat on the corner field Rob draged Ad has been fighting </td>
   <td>Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Houston at night that is last sermon he is going to {illegible}</td>
   <td>Robie & me cleaned up 12 bushel of wheat and 16 of peas and oats for feed for the hogs</td>
   <td>I went to Escott with the grist a little rain Robie helped Ad to cut up the corn at the road</td>
   <td>Robie plowed out the furrows of the follow and shovled out the cross furrows</td>
   <td>I atended out Fair I was in the Hall we took first on Cow and on Boar 2nd on Sow 1st Ram {illegible} last 2 parts & one to on fine work</td>
   <td>Robie & me husked some corn that was in the barn fixed up some fences got four Sheep from Coplands Ad has been most of his time fighting fire at the Shanty</td>

Revision as of Nov 13, 2024, 1:34:34 PM


Sept 18 Revd Mr Crage preached this Mr Forest night
19 Robert Cornett began to work {illegible} him he draged & plowed in the corner field & I went to the sixth Con to fight fire with B. McNeil & his man
20 Ad went to fight fire Robert plowed I went to Kingston to the Presbytery Mr Shaw went too
21 Ad did not come home Wall & all hands out to the fire it is on the rear of there lotes
22 I got home on the Mixed this morning the Presbytery closed yesterday afternoon we have to pay Mr Matthews his arrears if we do not we will get no Home Mission grant all arrears must be paid then we will get two dollars per Sabbath untill we get a settled minister
23 Robert finished the plowing in the corner field this forenoon a fine rain last night that is the first rain for over two months Rob shoveled the furrows of the first sowed wheat
24 rain this forenoon I sowed 5 bushel of wheat on the corner field Rob draged Ad has been fighting
25 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Houston at night that is last sermon he is going to {illegible}
26 Robie & me cleaned up 12 bushel of wheat and 16 of peas and oats for feed for the hogs
27 I went to Escott with the grist a little rain Robie helped Ad to cut up the corn at the road
28 Robie plowed out the furrows of the follow and shovled out the cross furrows
29 I atended out Fair I was in the Hall we took first on Cow and on Boar 2nd on Sow 1st Ram {illegible} last 2 parts & one to on fine work
30 Robie & me husked some corn that was in the barn fixed up some fences got four Sheep from Coplands Ad has been most of his time fighting fire at the Shanty
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