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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927

Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 4.pdf

Revision as of Nov 3, 2024, 5:59:22 PM
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Revision as of Nov 3, 2024, 6:04:05 PM
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around. Madge feeling sick. (Train sick I guess my cold no better. but the children all seem pretty well. next stop at Gloriette N.M. a small place with adobe houses. in among the hills. at Albequerkee N.M at noon. lots of Indians selling pottery and such at the station. an Indian Reservation near here at Isletta. all adobe houses started to climb the hills after leaving here. lots of snow. and cattle out pasturing in it we wonder where they get anything to eat. Country rough and hilly. Soil looks {mostly?} reddish gravel. at Gallup at 6.P.M. very cold and lots of snow.
around. Madge feeling sick. (Train sick I guess my cold no better. but the children all seem pretty well. next stop at Gloriette N.M. a small place with adobe houses. in among the hills. at Albequrkee [Albuquerque} N.M at noon. lots of Indians selling pottery and such at the station. an Indian Reservation near here at Isletta. all adobe houses started to climb the hills after leaving here. lots of snow. and cattle out pasturing in it we wonder where they get any thing to eat. country rough and hilly. soil looks mostly reddish gravel. at Gallup at 6.P.M. very cold and lots of snow.
Dec 15th. Madge and I still feeling rotten. A change this morning. snow all gone in Calif. now first town was Bagdad. desert country here nothing but bushes and hills every way you look. first stop at {unsure} still cold here and freezing at 9 A.M. from 9 AM to 11AM {unsure} desert
Dec 15th. Madge and I still feeling rotten. A change this morning. snow all gone in Calif. now first town was Bagdad. desert country here nothing but bushes and hills every way you look. first stop at Barston still cold here and freezing at 9a.m. From 9 am to 11am crossing desert

Revision as of Nov 3, 2024, 6:04:05 PM

around. Madge feeling sick. (Train sick I guess my cold no better. but the children all seem pretty well. next stop at Gloriette N.M. a small place with adobe houses. in among the hills. at Albequrkee [Albuquerque} N.M at noon. lots of Indians selling pottery and such at the station. an Indian Reservation near here at Isletta. all adobe houses started to climb the hills after leaving here. lots of snow. and cattle out pasturing in it we wonder where they get any thing to eat. country rough and hilly. soil looks mostly reddish gravel. at Gallup at 6.P.M. very cold and lots of snow.

Dec 15th. Madge and I still feeling rotten. A change this morning. snow all gone in Calif. now first town was Bagdad. desert country here nothing but bushes and hills every way you look. first stop at Barston still cold here and freezing at 9a.m. From 9 am to 11am crossing desert

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