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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927

Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 9.pdf

Revision as of Jun 17, 2024, 7:45:42 PM
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Revision as of Dec 27, 2024, 3:36:42 PM
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to hear it. It is a wonderful thing to think of. playing the organ out doors, nearly every day in the year. They say it has only missed being played ten times in eleven years on account of bad weather. On our way home we left our old Club. Bag on the street car.
to hear it. It is a wonderful thing to think of. playing the organ out doors. nearly every day in the year. They say it has only missed being played ten times in eleven years on account of bad weather. On our way home we left our old Club. Bag on the street car.
Dec 29th.
Dec 29th. Had Mr Walker around with a Chev. Car which we bought for $175 it is freshly painted and looks pretty good. We drove to the street Ry Coy {Railway Company} and got our old bag back. and also got my drivers permit. In the afternoon we drove to the Zoo in Balboa Park saw the Lions, Tigers Elephants. and Bears all in open top cement wall cages, with a pit dug in front so the front wall could be made low so as to be able to look over. Also saw the Sea Lions in a pond and some camels but did not see all, only
Had Mr. Walker around with a Chev. Car which we bought fo $775 it is freshly painted and looks pretty good. We drove to the street {Ry Crg?} and got our old bag back, and also got my drivers permit. In the afternoon we drove to the zoo in Balboa Park saw the Lions, Tigers, Elephants, and Bears all in open top cement wall cages, with a pit dug in front so the front wall could be made. low so as to be able to look over. Also saw the Sea Lions in a pond and some camels but did not see all, only

Revision as of Dec 27, 2024, 3:36:42 PM

to hear it. It is a wonderful thing to think of. playing the organ out doors. nearly every day in the year. They say it has only missed being played ten times in eleven years on account of bad weather. On our way home we left our old Club. Bag on the street car.

Dec 29th. Had Mr Walker around with a Chev. Car which we bought for $175 it is freshly painted and looks pretty good. We drove to the street Ry Coy {Railway Company} and got our old bag back. and also got my drivers permit. In the afternoon we drove to the Zoo in Balboa Park saw the Lions, Tigers Elephants. and Bears all in open top cement wall cages, with a pit dug in front so the front wall could be made low so as to be able to look over. Also saw the Sea Lions in a pond and some camels but did not see all, only

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