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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927

Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 20.pdf

Revision as of Nov 4, 2024, 6:32:07 PM
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Revision as of Nov 4, 2024, 6:35:28 PM
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national city. on the way back near national city took a snap of a large pepper tree. it must have a sprwad of nearly 100feet. also a couple of snaps of a couple of swell homes. Bot a couple of dozen Eggs at a large White Leghorn Chicken Ranch. at 40¢ a doz. the least we have teasted yet and the xchapwst too.
national city. on the way back near national city took a snap of a large pepper tree. it must have a spread of nearly 100 feet. also a couple of snaps of a couple of swell homes. Bot a couple of dozen Eggs at a large White Leghorn Chicken Ranch. at 40¢ a doz. the best we have tasted yet and the cheapest too.
Jan 13th. We drove to the foot of the  Market St. and on to Colorada Ferry cost us 25¢ for the carand two passengers to cross to Canada the girls went free. we stopped at the park in the centre of the place. it was very nice not many flowers out now. but there are all inds of trees. even to Torrey pines. which theysay only grow in one ther place. we then drove on to the beach. around the large Coronada hoyel a man that worked there said there were 160 guests there now and next month it would likely be crowded room for about 600.
Jan 13th. We drove to the foot of the  Market St. and on to the Coronada Ferry cost us 25¢ for the car and two passengers to cross to Coronada the girls went free. we stopped at the park in the centre of the place. it was very nice not many flowers out now. but there are all kinds of trees. even to Torrey pines. which they say only grow in one other place. we then drove on to the beach. around the large Coronada hotel a man that worked there said there were 160 guests there now and next month it would likely be crowded room for about 600.

Revision as of Nov 4, 2024, 6:35:28 PM

national city. on the way back near national city took a snap of a large pepper tree. it must have a spread of nearly 100 feet. also a couple of snaps of a couple of swell homes. Bot a couple of dozen Eggs at a large White Leghorn Chicken Ranch. at 40¢ a doz. the best we have tasted yet and the cheapest too.

Jan 13th. We drove to the foot of the Market St. and on to the Coronada Ferry cost us 25¢ for the car and two passengers to cross to Coronada the girls went free. we stopped at the park in the centre of the place. it was very nice not many flowers out now. but there are all kinds of trees. even to Torrey pines. which they say only grow in one other place. we then drove on to the beach. around the large Coronada hotel a man that worked there said there were 160 guests there now and next month it would likely be crowded room for about 600.

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