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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927

Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 33.pdf

Revision as of Dec 30, 2024, 9:28:55 PM
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Revision as of Dec 30, 2024, 9:30:06 PM
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surrounded by hills the only openings was where the river entered & went out the other end of the Park some places the hills must have been 500 feet nearly straight up - it was a lot warmer there than at San Diego, and they say it is very warm in Summer arrived home about 5.30
surrounded by hills the only openings was where the river entered & went out the other end of the Park some places the hills must have been 500 feet nearly straight up - it was a lot warmer there than at San Diego, and they say it is very warm in Summer arrived home about 5.30
Jan 31st. Started for Mexico today. through national city. from there to Chula Vista. nothing grown hardly only Lemons and Celery. must be thousands of acres. just ready for shipment, bunches of men crateing it up - to bleach it they tie or wrap a piece of paper around each plant. from there on we saw some large Dairy Farms. the next place was San Ysidio two miles from the border we crossed without any trouble. Ti Juana was crowded. and we went on a quiet day at that as Monday is the only day there is no horse raceing. Both sides of the main street
Jan 31st. Started for Mexico today. through national city. from there to Chula Vista. nothing grown hardly only Lemons and Celery. must be thousands of acres. just ready for shipment, bunches of men crateing it up - to bleach it they tie or wrap a piece of paper around each plant. from there on we saw some large Dairy Farms. the next place was San Ysidro two miles from the border we crossed without any trouble. Ti Juana was crowded. and we went on a quiet day at that as Monday is the only day there is no horse raceing. Both sides of the main street

Revision as of Dec 30, 2024, 9:30:06 PM

surrounded by hills the only openings was where the river entered & went out the other end of the Park some places the hills must have been 500 feet nearly straight up - it was a lot warmer there than at San Diego, and they say it is very warm in Summer arrived home about 5.30

Jan 31st. Started for Mexico today. through national city. from there to Chula Vista. nothing grown hardly only Lemons and Celery. must be thousands of acres. just ready for shipment, bunches of men crateing it up - to bleach it they tie or wrap a piece of paper around each plant. from there on we saw some large Dairy Farms. the next place was San Ysidro two miles from the border we crossed without any trouble. Ti Juana was crowded. and we went on a quiet day at that as Monday is the only day there is no horse raceing. Both sides of the main street

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