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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927

Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 34.pdf

Revision as of Dec 30, 2024, 9:35:57 PM
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Revision as of Dec 30, 2024, 9:37:15 PM
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were saloons with bars on one side, a few tables to eat at, and a Jazz Band and a dance floor one place was a whole block long with a bar all its length, with doors to enter every few feet. We then went through the Foreign Club Building were most of the Gambling is done. I guess it is the next thing to Monte Carlo we took some snaps and had no trouble crossing the border, but we saw one car, that they made the people get out and be examined
were saloons with bars on one side, a few tables to eat at, and a Jazz Band and a dance floor one place was a whole block long with a bar all its length, with doors to enter every few feet. We then went through the Foreign Club Building were most of the Gambling is done. I guess it is the next thing to Monte Carlo we took some snaps and had no trouble crossing the border, but we saw one car, that they made the people get out and be examined
Feby 1st. Payed our house rent for Feby. $45 00 and Garage $4.00. Went overand saw the Claytons as we were on the weay fdopwn town. after some pictures.
Feby 1st. Payed our house rent for Feby. $45 00 and Garage $4.00. Went over and saw the Claytons as we were on the way down town. after some pictures.
Frby 2nd Nothing special today was down town and over to Balboa Park for a short time. Had Claytons & Mr Fernside call after supper.they thought we hada fine bunch of pictures they went j=home about 10 oclock
Feby 2nd Nothing special today was down town and over to Balboa Park for a short time. Had Claytons & Mr Fernside call after supper. they thought we had a fine bunch of pictures. they went home about 10 oclock

Revision as of Dec 30, 2024, 9:37:15 PM

were saloons with bars on one side, a few tables to eat at, and a Jazz Band and a dance floor one place was a whole block long with a bar all its length, with doors to enter every few feet. We then went through the Foreign Club Building were most of the Gambling is done. I guess it is the next thing to Monte Carlo we took some snaps and had no trouble crossing the border, but we saw one car, that they made the people get out and be examined

Feby 1st. Payed our house rent for Feby. $45 00 and Garage $4.00. Went over and saw the Claytons as we were on the way down town. after some pictures.

Feby 2nd Nothing special today was down town and over to Balboa Park for a short time. Had Claytons & Mr Fernside call after supper. they thought we had a fine bunch of pictures. they went home about 10 oclock

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