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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1926-1927

Franklin McMillan Diary 1926 & 1927 41.pdf

Revision as of Dec 31, 2024, 4:42:03 PM
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Revision as of Dec 31, 2024, 4:44:59 PM
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and rained a little took pictures ofthe bears and lions but it was pretty dark.
and rained a little took pictures of the bears and Lions but it was pretty dark.
Feby 19th. Went over to see Claytons and down town to inquire at CHamber of Commerce about roads we are thinking of going to Riverside Monday. Roads in bad shape yet they say. Had a scare at Claytons. Doris & Alan let the brakes off the car and had to run to catch it going down the street. in the afternoon, mother and the children went riding on the merry go roiund while I went to the zoo to get some snaps wanted the bog lion but he was. not there today guess they moved him
Feby 19th. Went over to see Claytons and down town to inquire at Chamber of Commerce about roads we are thinking of going to Riverside Monday. Roads in bad shape yet they say. Had a scare at Claytons. Doris & Alan let the brakes off the car and had to run to catch it going down the street. in the afternoon mother and the children went riding on the merry go round while I went to the zoo to get some snaps wanted the big Lion but he was not there today guess they moved him
Feby 20th not feeling very good guess I havent got rid of my cold yet. We decoided ot to drive to Riverside we would have to go a round about way on acct of bridges direct way is about 120 miles we would have to drive about 180 or 200 miles
Feby 20th not feeling very good guess I havent got rid of my cold yet. We decided not to drive to Riverside now. as we would have to go around about way on acct {account} of bridges direct way is about 120 miles we would have to drive about 180 or 200 miles

Revision as of Dec 31, 2024, 4:44:59 PM

and rained a little took pictures of the bears and Lions but it was pretty dark.

Feby 19th. Went over to see Claytons and down town to inquire at Chamber of Commerce about roads we are thinking of going to Riverside Monday. Roads in bad shape yet they say. Had a scare at Claytons. Doris & Alan let the brakes off the car and had to run to catch it going down the street. in the afternoon mother and the children went riding on the merry go round while I went to the zoo to get some snaps wanted the big Lion but he was not there today guess they moved him

Feby 20th not feeling very good guess I havent got rid of my cold yet. We decided not to drive to Riverside now. as we would have to go around about way on acct {account} of bridges direct way is about 120 miles we would have to drive about 180 or 200 miles

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