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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1927

Franklin McMillan 1927 Diary 4.pdf

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April 15th Finished unloading manure. Good Friday, cold with Easterly winds
April 15th. Finished unloading manure. good friday, cold with easterly winds.
April 16th. Finishing brush + wood out of the {shed?}
April 17th. Easter Sunday {dune?} + mild {hod? }bells for supper
April 18th. Started in covering {illegible} three new started {work?} af noon. John Siek ni bed again.
April 19th. unloaded another car of manure. very warm. so in the shade
April 16th. Finishing brush & wood out of the orchard.
April 20th. meaning {illegible} they look green. but rows light also very weedy.
April 17th. Easter Sunday Fine & mild had Bells for supper.
April 18th. Started un-covering strawberries three men started work at noon. John sick in bed again
Apr. 19th. unloaded another car of manure. very warm. 80 in the shade.
April 20th. uncovering strawberries they look green. but rows light also very weedy.
April 21st. uncovering strawberries. cool & cloudy with rain about 430 p.m.
April 22nd very cold some snow flurries. still uncovering strawberries
April 23rd Very cold & a few Snow flurries finished uncovering strawberries & started on 5th car of manure. (the last one.) raised Smith's wags {wages} to $18 00
April 24th. Just as cold as ever. froze nearly an inch of ice last night.
April 25th. cold & windy had Oakes with pump. fixing drain.
April 26th. cool & cloudy finished fixing drain rained in the morning

Revision as of Nov 3, 2024, 5:16:48 PM

April 15th Finished unloading manure. Good Friday, cold with Easterly winds

April 16th. Finishing brush & wood out of the orchard.

April 17th. Easter Sunday Fine & mild had Bells for supper.

April 18th. Started un-covering strawberries three men started work at noon. John sick in bed again

Apr. 19th. unloaded another car of manure. very warm. 80 in the shade.

April 20th. uncovering strawberries they look green. but rows light also very weedy.

April 21st. uncovering strawberries. cool & cloudy with rain about 430 p.m.

April 22nd very cold some snow flurries. still uncovering strawberries

April 23rd Very cold & a few Snow flurries finished uncovering strawberries & started on 5th car of manure. (the last one.) raised Smith's wags {wages} to $18 00

April 24th. Just as cold as ever. froze nearly an inch of ice last night.

April 25th. cold & windy had Oakes with pump. fixing drain.

April 26th. cool & cloudy finished fixing drain rained in the morning

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