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James Cameron Diary, 1892

James Cameron 1892 Diary 1.pdf

Revision as of Feb 21, 2025, 12:31:08 PM
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Revision as of Feb 21, 2025, 12:44:13 PM
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Mr James Cameron Island  
Mr James Cameron Island  
1st of Jany 1892 New Years Day E Wind Leander and Stanley and i cutting sawlogs snowed or hail  Lewis the Indian here to Dinner Gave hima Peice of meat to take home some cakes for the children Treated him to wine
{page two}
2nd Raining hailed E Wind Fixing the crofscut saw
Mr James Cameron Island  
3rd Allen's B Day  1853 Windy Fine
4th Cold W Wind Drew some of the sawlogs to the Bank Frosty tonight The Heifer calved Spotty
5th very Cold and Frosty W Wind not making much ice at the Brush Fence splitting stove wood
6th Epiphany not very vell E Wind Snowing Blowing hard Killed the calf for skin cold
7th W Wind some ice going Down took to the Sturgeon Island Last night and From Lancaster  over to Charlies Island and Rofs's Island not making much to Day took in the Water Barrel to the House put in the sheep some snow now
8th Hugh Ann's Birth Day 1866 Drew some Wood E Wind  The Fox came on the Island to night ice taken acrofs at the Fool of Francis Island Water Raising at the shore
9th WW cutting stove wood Stanley and I went around the Island seen the Fox on the sturgeon Island
10th Fine ice Making
11th E Wind cold Windy got 2 Rats sawing stove Wood

Revision as of Feb 21, 2025, 12:44:13 PM

Mr James Cameron Island

1st of Jany 1892 New Years Day E Wind Leander and Stanley and i cutting sawlogs snowed or hail Lewis the Indian here to Dinner Gave hima Peice of meat to take home some cakes for the children Treated him to wine

2nd Raining hailed E Wind Fixing the crofscut saw

3rd Allen's B Day 1853 Windy Fine

4th Cold W Wind Drew some of the sawlogs to the Bank Frosty tonight The Heifer calved Spotty

5th very Cold and Frosty W Wind not making much ice at the Brush Fence splitting stove wood

6th Epiphany not very vell E Wind Snowing Blowing hard Killed the calf for skin cold

7th W Wind some ice going Down took to the Sturgeon Island Last night and From Lancaster over to Charlies Island and Rofs's Island not making much to Day took in the Water Barrel to the House put in the sheep some snow now

8th Hugh Ann's Birth Day 1866 Drew some Wood E Wind The Fox came on the Island to night ice taken acrofs at the Fool of Francis Island Water Raising at the shore

9th WW cutting stove wood Stanley and I went around the Island seen the Fox on the sturgeon Island

10th Fine ice Making

11th E Wind cold Windy got 2 Rats sawing stove Wood

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