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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1929-1930

Frank McMillan 1929-1930 Diary 65.pdf

Revision as of Oct 8, 2024, 10:11:39 AM
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Revision as of Oct 8, 2024, 10:17:55 AM
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us very much. stopped at Folkestone. Ga. Alan & I had pie & sandwich. raining now. the rest eat in the car through Ga. pine woods now. mostly small trees large ones all cut. through Uptonville. Racepond. to Barcley. Boz a doz. scab apples at 30¢. then run into a Rain storm. it was some rain came down in streams. & dark. could not see any thing. lasted about 15 minutes then slowed up. from Baxter to Lyons abut 33 miles nothing in between Clear & cooler here. getting hilly. and climbing. higher. land more cultivated saw lots of goats & razor back pigs along
us very much. stopped at Folkestone. Ga. Alan & I had pie & sandwich. raining now. the rest eat in the car through Ga. pine woods now. mostly small trees large ones all cut. through Uptonville. Racepond. to Baxley. Boz a doz. scab apples at 30¢. then run into a Rain storm. it was some rain came down in streams. & dark. could not see any thing. lasted about 15 minutes then slowed up. from Baxley to Lyons abut 33 miles nothing in between Clear & cooler here. getting hilly. and climbing. higher. land more cultivated saw lots of goats & razor back pigs along here. same barren country to Swainsboro. we stopped at a real old Southern home here for the night. were every thing that would hold dust was dusty. and every thing that could be broke was broken. Room was $3.00. Supper $1.95 had a walk around town only a small place a few stores. made a call at the town hall. made 196 miles.
April 4th Friday Had breakfast at the Greek Restaurant $1.30 and punk at that. Storage. Gas. and oil $2.17 took a snap of the house looks better in the picture than inside. Left at 840a.m. clear this morning & colder

Revision as of Oct 8, 2024, 10:17:55 AM

us very much. stopped at Folkestone. Ga. Alan & I had pie & sandwich. raining now. the rest eat in the car through Ga. pine woods now. mostly small trees large ones all cut. through Uptonville. Racepond. to Baxley. Boz a doz. scab apples at 30¢. then run into a Rain storm. it was some rain came down in streams. & dark. could not see any thing. lasted about 15 minutes then slowed up. from Baxley to Lyons abut 33 miles nothing in between Clear & cooler here. getting hilly. and climbing. higher. land more cultivated saw lots of goats & razor back pigs along here. same barren country to Swainsboro. we stopped at a real old Southern home here for the night. were every thing that would hold dust was dusty. and every thing that could be broke was broken. Room was $3.00. Supper $1.95 had a walk around town only a small place a few stores. made a call at the town hall. made 196 miles.

April 4th Friday Had breakfast at the Greek Restaurant $1.30 and punk at that. Storage. Gas. and oil $2.17 took a snap of the house looks better in the picture than inside. Left at 840a.m. clear this morning & colder

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