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James Cameron Diary, 1884

James Cameron Diary, 1884 (4).pdf

Revision as of Jan 22, 2025, 1:19:16 PM
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Revision as of Jan 22, 2025, 1:27:19 PM
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Mr James Cameron Island   
Mr James Cameron Island   
11th of March 1884 Wind Drifting and snowing some Hail turned soft went to the Bush seen a Drove of Cattle crofsing
12th On this Day of the Month D McMaster {illegible} came to the Island Fine turned to Raining W Wind very high took down the snow some Drew some Drags  Clearing away snow from around the Stable and shed water coming into the stable with the snow melting and Rain shovelling snow
13th Making Troughs cutting stove Wood Fine
14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 Mr Hugh Munroe here I crofsed to Hamiltons with him to see the Bull he wants to buy him Randolph crofsed for the Paper Bought of John Summers 1 lb of Tea 50 con credit
15th a Fine Day Randolph went to Fort Covington to get his Boot and Leanders Fixed 26 cents Bought Court Plasters 10 Canday 5 cents got a Ride From P McDougall I crofsed to Summerstown took Dinner Tea with Summers and he has a splendid House The First Time I was in it Bought a Pipe 1 Mr Charles Craig here wanting to Buy a Cow I stopped at Hamiltons to night
16th I Came from Hamiltons this Morning good walking on the ice Minkey calved to Day Ducks Flying West
17th St Patricks the Festival of the Irish snowing hailing Raining Fine Wind Mr J McDougall came to see if I had ashes as he is going with a Load to Fort Covington Randolph crofsed to see Mr Craig to Tell him about the cow he is to come to see her
18th Princefs Louise Birth Day 1848 working the stick of Timber out of the ice at the shore Mr Jo Douquet and John Bone here took the big cooler I got from him Looking at the cattle

Revision as of Jan 22, 2025, 1:27:19 PM

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

4th of March1884 Went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 100 lb of Flour 3..50 1/2 lb Tea 25 cent Bought 2 spools 10 cents paid spools West Wind Drifting Blustery got a Ride up from J Hamilton and he Drove me Down home to the Bay Tom took Down my Flour and I Left it there got 2 Bushels of Oats from Tom to Day Randolph took it home got the Prize My Ticket Drew a Pair of Boots John Summer's Wife went off to Day

5th Took in the Last of the stack a very fine Day Drew some Wood Randolph went to Hamiltons for the Flour left there Brought over a Board I Promised her for her Cheese Box seen Crows to Day

6th E Wind changed to West snowing Went to Mr Jo Ducquets took Dinner there Randolph and I Charles Rose there Drawing sawdust for the icehouse Bought H Wines Fine Day Making a Runner for the sleigh the Weasel killing our Hens Wrote a Letter for to send tomorrow to Williamstown

7th Randolph went for the Mail got it went up to Purcells Posted the Letter for Williamstown the storm commenced near morning

8th shovelling shown cows did not go to Drink to Day stormy Drifting EW

9th stormy EW Drifting Began the hay on the sticks though there is a Ton in the the East Mow yet

10th Kind of Fine Drawing away snow out of the yard all the Doors all shut up with snow awful Bankings of snow this is the worst storm we had yet Drew some wood

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

11th of March 1884 Wind Drifting and snowing some Hail turned soft went to the Bush seen a Drove of Cattle crofsing

12th On this Day of the Month D McMaster {illegible} came to the Island Fine turned to Raining W Wind very high took down the snow some Drew some Drags Clearing away snow from around the Stable and shed water coming into the stable with the snow melting and Rain shovelling snow

13th Making Troughs cutting stove Wood Fine

14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 Mr Hugh Munroe here I crofsed to Hamiltons with him to see the Bull he wants to buy him Randolph crofsed for the Paper Bought of John Summers 1 lb of Tea 50 con credit

15th a Fine Day Randolph went to Fort Covington to get his Boot and Leanders Fixed 26 cents Bought Court Plasters 10 Canday 5 cents got a Ride From P McDougall I crofsed to Summerstown took Dinner Tea with Summers and he has a splendid House The First Time I was in it Bought a Pipe 1 Mr Charles Craig here wanting to Buy a Cow I stopped at Hamiltons to night

16th I Came from Hamiltons this Morning good walking on the ice Minkey calved to Day Ducks Flying West

17th St Patricks the Festival of the Irish snowing hailing Raining Fine Wind Mr J McDougall came to see if I had ashes as he is going with a Load to Fort Covington Randolph crofsed to see Mr Craig to Tell him about the cow he is to come to see her

18th Princefs Louise Birth Day 1848 working the stick of Timber out of the ice at the shore Mr Jo Douquet and John Bone here took the big cooler I got from him Looking at the cattle

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