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James Cameron Diary, 1884

James Cameron Diary, 1884 (7).pdf

Revision as of Jan 17, 2025, 12:32:38 PM
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Revision as of Jan 22, 2025, 9:07:36 PM
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Mr James Cameron Island   
Mr James Cameron Island   
27th of April 1884 Mr Genie went off E Wind Gordon and Tommy Rose here a fine Day
28th high Wind Keeping in the 2 Bulls Raising stones and Ploughing cold to night took away the Banking from the shed north side heard Thunder tonight J Hamilton Lit up to night snowed through the night Dan McLean Departed
29th crofsed with a Letter to PO for Genie Postage 3 got Paint and oil for the Bun Stove a Hole in the Big Boat turned Back and took the Bun speaking to Robinson about the Bull
30th Ploughing Painting Fine Day Ogdensburgh Boat came Last night to Dundee stopt at Jo Duquetts Wharf all night Lots of ice going Down to Day
1st of May St Phillips & St James Lots of ice going Down Leander and I went around the Island The steamer Grenada coming acrofs Turned Back a Little way and Let the steam whatever was wrong I dont Know yet the John A or Hiram Calvin going Down in the a Raft the First this Season set Fires cutting Brush
2nd very high Wind West Painting the cubboard Door Windows
3rd cutting and Grubbing in the upper Field made the Fence at the Wet Place Let out the young Bull W Wind very high The McArthur went Down with a Raft
4th Fine Randolph Went to Christies Stanley Leander Sissy and other 4 went to Sturgeon Island  Grenada went to Lancaster with a party of Masons

Revision as of Jan 22, 2025, 9:07:36 PM

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Mr James Cameron Island

27th of April 1884 Mr Genie went off E Wind Gordon and Tommy Rose here a fine Day

28th high Wind Keeping in the 2 Bulls Raising stones and Ploughing cold to night took away the Banking from the shed north side heard Thunder tonight J Hamilton Lit up to night snowed through the night Dan McLean Departed

29th crofsed with a Letter to PO for Genie Postage 3 got Paint and oil for the Bun Stove a Hole in the Big Boat turned Back and took the Bun speaking to Robinson about the Bull

30th Ploughing Painting Fine Day Ogdensburgh Boat came Last night to Dundee stopt at Jo Duquetts Wharf all night Lots of ice going Down to Day

1st of May St Phillips & St James Lots of ice going Down Leander and I went around the Island The steamer Grenada coming acrofs Turned Back a Little way and Let the steam whatever was wrong I dont Know yet the John A or Hiram Calvin going Down in the a Raft the First this Season set Fires cutting Brush

2nd very high Wind West Painting the cubboard Door Windows

3rd cutting and Grubbing in the upper Field made the Fence at the Wet Place Let out the young Bull W Wind very high The McArthur went Down with a Raft

4th Fine Randolph Went to Christies Stanley Leander Sissy and other 4 went to Sturgeon Island Grenada went to Lancaster with a party of Masons

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