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James Cameron Diary, 1884

James Cameron Diary, 1884 (13).pdf

Revision as of Jan 17, 2025, 12:34:04 PM
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Revision as of Jan 24, 2025, 9:33:57 PM
edited by
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Mr James Cameron Island   
Mr James Cameron Island   
Sept 1st 1884 cutting Marsh Hay
2nd I making a stack
3rd D McMaster's Birth Day 1846 Fishing Let in the Cows
4th put 30 cocks of Marsh hay in the Barn
5th John Angus's B Day 1850
6th Fishing Livinia not well very warm time
7th Randolph and Leander to Mr Jo Ducketts
8th our Tame Ducks taken away 8 of Them cleaning Tobacco the Buds
9th Phillip crofsed Bought a Bottle of Pain Killer Stanley not well shot a Duck Made Fence around the stacks Barnhart with a Raft of Boards
10th very hot pulled the Hops and Beans shot 2 Ducks
11th Mr J McDougall for the Boat Mr Heron here Windy shot a Pigeon Mowing Marsh shelling Beans
12th Mrs Burdo here and Mrs Lesperance Took out the Big stone at the Door as its in the way
13th Drawing Wood
14th Took Apples of the Grove Tree
15th Drawing Wood Randolph for Mail  Bought crackers and Matches
16th Windy
17th cutting Marsh hay cutting Tobacco
18th Went to Hamiltons for the 2 Rams J McDougall came home with the Boat Took home their sugar Pot
22nd First Day of Fall sun crofses the Line Equinoxial Gales
29th Michaelmass Day
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Mr James Cameron Island   
Mr James Cameron Island   
Oct 1st 1884
Tonia Birth Day 1883
Hugh Annes McMaster B Day 1844
Livinia Birth Day 1868 Hugh's Birth Day
4th James B Day
25th 31st Halloween
Harvest Month of Death
November 1st all saints Day
2nd all souls Day
7th Helen's Birth Day
9th Prince of Wales B Day
11 or 12th
Martinmas Day
25th St Catherine Day
30th St Andrew's Day The Festival of the Scotch
21st of November D McMaster Senior Departed 1846

Revision as of Jan 24, 2025, 9:33:57 PM

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

Sept 1st 1884 cutting Marsh Hay

2nd I making a stack

3rd D McMaster's Birth Day 1846 Fishing Let in the Cows

4th put 30 cocks of Marsh hay in the Barn

5th John Angus's B Day 1850

6th Fishing Livinia not well very warm time

7th Randolph and Leander to Mr Jo Ducketts

8th our Tame Ducks taken away 8 of Them cleaning Tobacco the Buds

9th Phillip crofsed Bought a Bottle of Pain Killer Stanley not well shot a Duck Made Fence around the stacks Barnhart with a Raft of Boards

10th very hot pulled the Hops and Beans shot 2 Ducks

11th Mr J McDougall for the Boat Mr Heron here Windy shot a Pigeon Mowing Marsh shelling Beans

12th Mrs Burdo here and Mrs Lesperance Took out the Big stone at the Door as its in the way

13th Drawing Wood

14th Took Apples of the Grove Tree

15th Drawing Wood Randolph for Mail Bought crackers and Matches

16th Windy

17th cutting Marsh hay cutting Tobacco

18th Went to Hamiltons for the 2 Rams J McDougall came home with the Boat Took home their sugar Pot

22nd First Day of Fall sun crofses the Line Equinoxial Gales

29th Michaelmass Day

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{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 1st 1884

Tonia Birth Day 1883

Hugh Annes McMaster B Day 1844

Livinia Birth Day 1868 Hugh's Birth Day

4th James B Day

25th 31st Halloween

Harvest Month of Death

November 1st all saints Day

2nd all souls Day

7th Helen's Birth Day

9th Prince of Wales B Day

11 or 12th

Martinmas Day 25th St Catherine Day

30th St Andrew's Day The Festival of the Scotch

21st of November D McMaster Senior Departed 1846

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