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James Cameron Diary, 1887

James Cameron Diary, 1887 (7).pdf

Revision as of Feb 7, 2025, 1:22:38 AM
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Revision as of Feb 7, 2025, 1:25:24 AM
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20th Fine Bismarck crofsed to PO a Letter to Dan Postage Paid got the Witnefs taken out manure its thawing out Piling stones Drew the Boats to the Grove yesterday cinnamon 5 cloves 5 at Mr Wards EW Drawing Pols to slab-Fence Ticks Bad Mosquitoes Beginning
20th Fine Bismarck crofsed to PO a Letter to Dan Postage Paid got the Witnefs taken out manure its thawing out Piling stones Drew the Boats to the Grove yesterday cinnamon 5 cloves 5 at Mr Wards EW Drawing Pols to slab-Fence Ticks Bad Mosquitoes Beginning
21st Fine E Wind Ploughed the Back Place
21st Fine E Wind Ploughed the Back Place Took a Large stone out of it Harrowed the Potatoes  pathways Oild the Mare with Sturgeon oil and coal oil  The Ticks curried the cows Jennie calved a Late Bull Took the Head out of the Kerosene Barrel {cut off}t put poles to the Hops at the Milkhouse
22nd Fine Ionia Hugh Ann Livinia Bismarck John Went to Charles Island Rod Briggs and McDonald or McGregor at the Shanty Treated me.

Revision as of Feb 7, 2025, 1:25:24 AM

{page one}

Mr James Cameron Island

4th of May 1887 Narcifse to Lancaster took up Phillips man Mr Joseph Potva Drawing the stones of the chimney of the old House to the River

5th Fine Day Thinking the Rev Mr McKay was coming did not come to Day working at Fences and stones putting out manure

6th ploughing gathering stones got their Licence

7th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown at the Court the Boys and Nicholsons Franky Laplante Bought of Nicholsons 1/2 lb Tea 25 Thread 10 Paint Red 14 cents Raining

8th Sunday Fine EW Bohemian came up did not go into Lancaster

9th got Irons from Narcifse for Harrowteeth Harrowed Potato Ground Planted 7 Rows of Potatoes piling stovewood at West end of the House Leander Leg sore at the Banking of the house Foggy this morning Phillip to Lancaster with First Fish

10th Planting Potatoes cutting Potatoes seeds set Leander for Lye taking Banking from the East End of the house water in cellar Mosquitoes a few Toads came

11th First Trip they made with Fish to the Boat Narcifse George and Jo Drew the Frame out of the Garden

12th at the Garden Bismarcks hoed it Fernandez and I at the putting up of the sticks around the potatoe Ground split oar sticks Fernandez and I

13th Stanley and i on the Pitt Point J McDougall Miss Fraser Mifs McDougall here Fernandez went with them at the soap

14th Bismarck crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward RRRelief 25 paid Bought of Nicholson Tea Finished the soap 7 pots Jo Brought me 2 lb Tobacco 25 cents from Montreal

15th Gordon here Bismarck to Alexis Island and Christees

16th sheared sheep setting Fires Fixing Fence planted a Bed of Carrots

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

17th of May 1887 Smoky Fine E and West Wind went to upper point set some fires went to Christees Island Mr Kelly to see the Fishermen putting manure in the yard in a heap as there is Lots of Frost and snow in the Back Garden under it Francis here cutting Rails on his Island to take to St Regis horse Kind of Lame

18th E Wind changed to West Fine Rained some Went to Summerstown got a Letter from Dan Bought of Mr Ward 12 lbs of Lime 1 lb of sulphur 10 paper of Melons 5 paid this Richard Grant Departed Last Week got cucumbers Potatoes and a Barrel from J Hamilton Paint and Oil Mrs Ward Poorly Mrs Summers Poorly The Garnet went Down to Day to Valleyfield First Trip Franky Laplante was going on Board at Renshaws Wharf got a sturgeon from the Fishermen The Drudge went up to Day Writing a Letter to Dan

19th Ascension Day or Holy Thursday Fine West Wind Smoky weather Plum Trees Began to Blossom Phillips First Trip to Montreal

20th Fine Bismarck crofsed to PO a Letter to Dan Postage Paid got the Witnefs taken out manure its thawing out Piling stones Drew the Boats to the Grove yesterday cinnamon 5 cloves 5 at Mr Wards EW Drawing Pols to slab-Fence Ticks Bad Mosquitoes Beginning

21st Fine E Wind Ploughed the Back Place Took a Large stone out of it Harrowed the Potatoes pathways Oild the Mare with Sturgeon oil and coal oil The Ticks curried the cows Jennie calved a Late Bull Took the Head out of the Kerosene Barrel {cut off}t put poles to the Hops at the Milkhouse

22nd Fine Ionia Hugh Ann Livinia Bismarck John Went to Charles Island Rod Briggs and McDonald or McGregor at the Shanty Treated me.

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