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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870

Olds, 4.pdf

Revision as of May 27, 2016, 9:30:22 PM
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Revision as of May 27, 2016, 9:30:38 PM
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=== SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1870 ===
=== SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1870 ===
The past day very rainy so mudh so that mother and I have neither of us been able to leave for Divine Service. Notwithstanding this it has been a day of considerable proffit to my poor soul. I have been reading the Memoir of Father Reeves, the Methodist Class Leader. His first written covenant is as follows. "O Lord, I am thine, save me. If thou sparest me this year, help me to glorify thy name; and if thou takest me, take me to thyself. <s>If thou</s> I am thy unworthy servant--W. Reeves. These words I can also subscribe as the expression of my inmost heart. C. C. Olds.
The past day very rainy so much so that mother and I have neither of us been able to leave for Divine Service. Notwithstanding this it has been a day of considerable proffit to my poor soul. I have been reading the Memoir of Father Reeves, the Methodist Class Leader. His first written covenant is as follows. "O Lord, I am thine, save me. If thou sparest me this year, help me to glorify thy name; and if thou takest me, take me to thyself. <s>If thou</s> I am thy unworthy servant--W. Reeves. These words I can also subscribe as the expression of my inmost heart. C. C. Olds.

Revision as of May 27, 2016, 9:30:38 PM


The past day very rainy so much so that mother and I have neither of us been able to leave for Divine Service. Notwithstanding this it has been a day of considerable proffit to my poor soul. I have been reading the Memoir of Father Reeves, the Methodist Class Leader. His first written covenant is as follows. "O Lord, I am thine, save me. If thou sparest me this year, help me to glorify thy name; and if thou takest me, take me to thyself. If thou I am thy unworthy servant--W. Reeves. These words I can also subscribe as the expression of my inmost heart. C. C. Olds.

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