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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870

Olds, 70.pdf

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=== WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1870. ===
=== WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1870. ===
I sowed a part of the new gorund to day and we got it nearly harrowed in. This afternoon mother and I went off in search of a girl. I left her at Jarvis and went on down to Dick's. Found some consolation in the prospect of geting one of their girls to help us. One Says: --"In heaven, all Gods servants will be satisfied with his dealings and dispensations with them, and shall see how all conduced like so many winds to bring them to their haven; and how even the roughest blasts helped to bring them homeward".
I sowed a part of the new ground to day and we got it nearly harrowed in. This afternoon mother and I went off in search of a girl. I left her at Jarvis and went on down to Dick's. Found some consolation in the prospect of geting one of their girls to help us. One Says: --"In heaven, all Gods servants will be satisfied with his dealings and dispensations with them, and shall see how all conduced like so many winds to bring them to their haven; and how even the roughest blasts helped to bring them homeward".

Revision as of Jun 19, 2016, 12:26:13 AM

MONDAY, MAY 16, 1870.

We finished harrowing the field in front this forenoon and this afternoon comme ced on our last field the New Groujnd. I spent most of the forenoon looking and enquiring after a girl but my efforts, so far as I could see, were fruitless. By our girl leaving us we are left in a helpless fix. Mother is not at all able to do our work, without help Mary Jane is with us now. This is a great help for the time being but she cannot stay long.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1870.

I sowed a part of the new ground to day and we got it nearly harrowed in. This afternoon mother and I went off in search of a girl. I left her at Jarvis and went on down to Dick's. Found some consolation in the prospect of geting one of their girls to help us. One Says: --"In heaven, all Gods servants will be satisfied with his dealings and dispensations with them, and shall see how all conduced like so many winds to bring them to their haven; and how even the roughest blasts helped to bring them homeward".

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