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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870

Olds, 93.pdf

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=== SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1870. ===
=== SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1870. ===
We finished up our field of hay this forenoon. The field by Brown's. This afternoon there was a shower of rain which prevented us from doing any more in the hay. We had Mrs. German here this afternoon also Miss M. Howell. Trials and diffulcties will appear but to overcome them what can we do of ourselves. My path seems very dark at times, but an occasional ray of light reveals itself through the p{illegible} of the Word.
We finished up our field of hay this forenoon. The field by Brown's. This afternoon there was a shower of rain which prevented us from doing any more in the hay. We had Mrs. German here this afternoon also Miss M. Howell. Trials and diffulcties will appear but to overcome them what can we do of ourselves. My path seems very dark at times, but an occasional ray of light reveals itself through the {illegible} of the Word.

Revision as of Jan 8, 2017, 7:03:00 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1870.

We had quite a rain last night. Eough to prevent us from working in the hay to day. As yet we have only about three loads in which we got in yesterday afternoon. We have been working to day in the corn and potatoes. I went off this afternoon in search of a girl but came home as I went. The Lord blessed me with a renewed assurance of his favour with refference to that thing which has so long been the desire of my heart.


We finished up our field of hay this forenoon. The field by Brown's. This afternoon there was a shower of rain which prevented us from doing any more in the hay. We had Mrs. German here this afternoon also Miss M. Howell. Trials and diffulcties will appear but to overcome them what can we do of ourselves. My path seems very dark at times, but an occasional ray of light reveals itself through the {illegible} of the Word.

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