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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870

Olds, 149.pdf

Revision as of Jan 3, 2017, 1:11:21 AM
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Revision as of Jan 3, 2017, 1:11:48 AM
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Will and I cleaned up a <s>load</s> grist of chop and some wheat this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Dover on a search after some stray{? shay?} money. I had the luck to get only about ten dollars. Took tea at Bro. Bermans & had a pleasant little visit. I thank God for the constant desire which He gives me to be complete in Him Doubtless He answers my prayers daily in witholding from me my heart's desire. Lord help me, that these trials be not in vain in thee{?}.  
Will and I cleaned up a <s>load</s> grist of chop and some wheat this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Dover on a search after some stray{? shay?} money. I had the luck to get only about ten dollars. Took tea at Bro. Bermans & had a pleasant little visit. I thank God for the constant desire which He gives me to be complete in Him Doubtless He answers my prayers daily in witholding from me my heart's desire. Lord help me, that these trials be not in vain in thee{?}.  
=== SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1870. ===
I went off this morning to pay something on a note which I gave for a horse last fall at a sale. Charley is still ploughing. This afternoon Will and I ahve been digging potatoes. I am now reading Ashworth's strange Tales from Humble life, and find it very proffitable to my soul. There is such a wonderful uniformity in the experience of every child od God. especially with refference to conversion and sanctification. Surely our Holy religion bears the impress of the Almighty.
I went off this morning to pay something on a note which I gave for a horse last fall at a sale. Charley is still ploughing. This afternoon Will and I have been digging potatoes. I am now reading Ashworth's strange Tales from Humble life, and find it very proffitable to my soul. There is such a wonderful uniformity in the experience of every child of God. especially with refference to conversion and sanctification. Surely our Holy religion bears the impress of the Almighty.

Revision as of Jan 3, 2017, 1:11:48 AM


Will and I cleaned up a load grist of chop and some wheat this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Dover on a search after some stray{? shay?} money. I had the luck to get only about ten dollars. Took tea at Bro. Bermans & had a pleasant little visit. I thank God for the constant desire which He gives me to be complete in Him Doubtless He answers my prayers daily in witholding from me my heart's desire. Lord help me, that these trials be not in vain in thee{?}.


I went off this morning to pay something on a note which I gave for a horse last fall at a sale. Charley is still ploughing. This afternoon Will and I have been digging potatoes. I am now reading Ashworth's strange Tales from Humble life, and find it very proffitable to my soul. There is such a wonderful uniformity in the experience of every child of God. especially with refference to conversion and sanctification. Surely our Holy religion bears the impress of the Almighty.

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