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Henry McMahon Diary, 1917-1919


Revision as of Apr 1, 2019, 7:55:01 PM, edited by


Dec 1917

26: clear cold: home up at 10. for Breakfast other here stay all day: W. A. Irwin in see me.

27: clear cold. home up for Breakfast at 10. Mother here: read am Book. very cold & icy

28: cold below Zero: home up for Breakfast at 10. Russell split some wood: very cold day & night Mother here: very cold night:

29: clear very cold. home up for Breakfast at 10. Mother here: I dress go to Store & R. Watsons to Wm Irwins get Village Book: home Dinner at {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 4 {diarist resumes writing on lines}

30X clear cold: home up for Breakfast at 11. read had Chicken Dinner at 4. oclock: Mary take Mother to R.J. Laverys at 5. clear cold Mabel & Pearl to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: Mary home at 730 cold night.

31: clear cold: home up for Breakfast at 10. then to Hall take Nominations for Village from 12 to 1. oclock Russell do the writing: home for Dinner: Russell to Hall at 730 no meeting


Jan 1: clear & cold: home up at 10 for Brekafast in House all day: Candidate resign: Wm Wray{?} in tonight chat to 830 cold night.

2: clear cold: home up at 10 for Breakfast Russell got Horse Shod. haul coal to Floyd & some home Leonard Bible help him. all the candidates for Trustee resign leaving J.B. Campbell. W.A. Irwin & R.J. Lavery Elected for the year 1918. cold clear.

3: clear cold: home. up at 10. for Breakfast Leonard Bible help Russell haul coal & get 1. Bag Flour: 1. Bag wheat: 1. Bag Barley 2 Bags oats: 2. Bags Bran at Elevator. then to Wm Bibles for Straw: got 2. letter from J.H.C. from France. Dated the 8th and 13th of December 1917: cold night:

4: clear cold: home up for Breakfast at 10. clock Leonard Bible in make Russell out for Bed Mary Pay Leonard 100 for work. I to R.J. Laverys see Mother about letter re Mortgage: Post letters: home at 4. oclock. Dr A.F. Reynar in chat about Norton {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Burns {diarist resumes writing on lines} re Floyd Henderson here at night Shave me Pd 25 cts: Floyd Paid me $875 for coal. fine night not so cold: to bed at 10. clock (1)

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