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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 16.pdf

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1843 May

Saturday 6 Ploughing with oxen - Duke very lame - burning Brands in fallow Paid Mrs. J Stewwit for 6 {or?} yarn - 1/11/2 - {lip?} Hops 203 31/2 - - 10 a shower 2 38 60
Sunday 7 Cha.s & Em.y {Emily} to Church. {-ined?} at Keg - He & Annie came with them to tea - - gloomy 48 38
Monday 8 Cha.s ploughing with Mares - Duke lame. branding. burning Brush mending Harrow &c. {etcetera} Planted Cuttings of Honeysuckle {g.? meaning again?} 42 40
Tuesday 9 Branding - Cha.s & W.d ploughing - Winnowing wheat to.

sold And.w Therrik 10 Bush.s {bushels} Peas @ 246 + 4 Bush.s grown {g.?} @ 3/{yl?}

fine 28 48
Wednesday 10 a Lamb this morning (Ewe) from Belle Sheep - Sowd 6 Bush.s Sp. Wheat on new Clearance - harrowd {an arrow has been added pointing up to the word:} with Mares - Christn {Christian} ploughing with them. aft.n {afternoon} rain 42 48
Thursday 11 Christ.n at Kirbys - Is. {Isaac} sowd 8 Bush.s oats - Cha.s & W.d dragging {below this word is reads: & George} Wheat + oats. sent Wilfreds fox skin to John by George

a sheep had 2 lambs this morning. both weak

sowd a Bed Lettuces - Malta, {Britsi?} & Green Cabbage

rain morning

aft.n {gm?} 10 fine

45 48
Friday 12 Christ.n at Kirbys - Is. sowd 7 Bush.s Sp Wheat New Land - dragging {V.m?} and then Lamb this morning - Planted 2 roots of {Piony?} from Annie fine 42 55
Saturday 13 a Lamb this morning Hornd Sheep - Chrisn at Kirbys, finishd paym! {payment} of our debt

finishd dragging Wheat - ploughing sowd Bed Sp. {spring} onions

fine 54 62
Sunday 14 Charles to Alex. the rest at home - Al & Annie 2 or 3 hours ev.g. {evening} thunder + lightning a little rain mg {morning}

after fine thunder 10 pm

58 70
Monday 15 Cha.s ploughing with Mares - Wilf.d to Mill with Jacks Wheat Is & Christ.n

10 Bush.s Potatoes @ 1/3 = 12.6 - 72 Bush.s {Rohans?} @ 3/yR = 11 = 13/5{y?} {above this calculation it reads: - Sold to A Sherrick}

Daly + Lawson calld @ 3 - signd Bond for P.M. Hw farmer Bond having been {de-t-ngd?}?} when the {Hw?} at was burst

smart shower

Rain & Hail @ 12 - aft.n fine

68 @ 5 1/2 52
Tuesday 16 Cha.s & W.d ploughing. Isaac & Christ.n repairing Gate & fence front of House

evening Wilf.d with mares & Waggon to milk for {Grist?} left yesterday

Martha left a little before 12 in company with T Daly for Galt to {-no--d?} to Hamilton to Stage on Team in the morning, {--han-?} in {S Harner?} to Toronto. sowd another Bed onions - {?} Row Sp. the rest Red

fine 46 48
Wednesday 17 Isaac sowd 10 Bush.s oats afternoon. putting new fence between {H.o? house, or hen house maybe?} & Barns

Christn ploughing - Cha.s & Wd ploughing sowd - 3. Bed of onions seed bad no {Letter?} - in Albion several Inquiries & a Church. {Wethear? as in weather?} better

fine 33 37
1843 May
Thursday 18 Is. sowd 101/2 Bush.s Oats - CW.r ploughing - Cha.s & W.d ploughing dragging

sowd annuals in East border. Is. fencing Road to Spring.

fine 26 50
Friday 19 Is. sowd 2 Bush.s oats. Chr.n ploughing. Ch.r & W.d drag.g {dragging} finishd Oats

T. Daly not. @ farm Galt this ev.g. @ {I? M?} having broken down twice on his return

saw M. into the Stage {as in stage coach?} for Hamilton @ 10 Wednesday m.g {morning} bro! {a short form for brought?} a parcel from Henry bying at Galt - cont.g {containing} Tobacco for Smokers & a sample of E.J. Compay {company} Gunpowder Tea {Tomatin?} No. 1

fine 42 46
Saturday 20 Ploughd dragd sowd & bush harrowd the 1 acre on Lot with Golden {Miton?} Swedes - a few Scotch. Hybrids with Road.

sowd a Bed Dublin Carrots - {sup.?} Orange next Onions

fine 38 50
Sunday 21 Cha.s and Em.y to Stratford - heard Mr Hickey, who bro! {brought} a Letter from Mrs. Tye - Jimmy Thompson bro! from Hamilton parcel from Henry cont.g 3 Cultivators. Jan. Feby & March - &c &c . A & A. dined with us. fine.

5 drops Rain

10 pm 56
Monday 22 Cutting Potato Sets - Fencing about {Cassle?} Kough & {possering?} - Isaacs traps stolen. Mr. & Mrs. Allan took dinner with us - Mr & Mrs. Hickey to Tea.

p.d {paid} Mrs. Stewart & A Crerar for last week. ---------

3 {?} Rainfall 12. & a little 8 pm 45 40
Tuesday 23 all {afristing?} in Garden forenoon - Cha.s aft.n - the rest putting up Stumps in paddock preparatory to ploughing in potatoes - a Lamb this eveng from one of last years Lambs (black leg) sowd Bed of {Hm.?} Carrot paid Dr Flynn for drawing a book for Charles same from last year--- 1 3 --fine 45 40
Wednesday 24 Ploughing in Potatoes in Paddock - Cha.s digging in Garden all day. letter from Martha bro! by Ann Crerar from Alexs {-9?} not p.d - sowd Bed Beets fine 31 43
Thursday 25 Ploughing Potatoes as yesterday - walks to Stratford & {cutts? colts?} at Lintons {w?} M Carthy - nothing satisfactory - went to Court House to hear Mr Hickey

p.d Mr Daly for yesterdays letter {G?} - Linton for {Snuff?} --

donald Stewart here evening & shears to sheep. {re?} of Emily to pay Court fees } -

10. -

fine 42 54
Friday 26 Wilfred to Reynolds' for 13 8 Bush.s Potatoes purchased of him @ 1/3 {Cy?} {J?} B.l {bushel}

Paid for them at his request to Mrs. J. - - - - - - - - -

Cha.s in Garden all day - Christn a part {Miss?} Daly raked West Border

Don.d Stewart even.g clipd sheep {an arrow has been added before the period, with the remainder of the sentence reading: & all Lambs}. Reynolds {all.d? meaning allowed?} 2 wh. Boars

a weak Lamb ({yeard?} 23) killd by Sows.

10 {w?} Showers 52 59
Saturday 27 Wilf.d in Garden. the rest ploughing in Potatoes - 8 Bush.s next House Reynolds walked to Stratford after dinner - re Emy & M Carthy pd fees to Linton in a {--ance?} } 6 - {This weather report is written much smaller than his normal sizing} {--ly?} morng got {-oot?} {fir-?} 48 46
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