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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 24.pdf

Revision as of Jul 18, 2023, 5:35:32 PM, edited by

1843 October

Monday 16 Charles to dalys @ 10 for a Load 15 Kegs Butter to take to Hamilton tomorrow - Christ.n thrashing Oats / flail / - Isaac & W.d after Bob & Beſs - & Pheasants - got 2 of the latter - Beſs came home - Bob still missing - Snow Hard rain 35
Tuesday 17 Charles started @ 41/4 with Load Butter for Hamilton - gave him 9$

thrashing Peas with Colts - Daly & Tom passd down @ 101/2 - {Below this it reads: 'pd Washers'}
-- 2 6 rain hail snow 33
Wednesday 18 Wilfred ploughing - Is & Christn at Alex's fixing a Shed

Bessy bro! a Letter from P. Office - f.m Mr &Mrs. Barron (pd)
rain &c. 31
thursday 19 Paid Meany for 143/4 lbs Beef @ 3{cs?} ---------

Mrs. T & Isaac left A 121/2 for Hamilton @ $11/2 each by a Markham Teamster / a Sadler, & Boot Shoemaker / a Teel a latter

Gave Isaav in Silton ---- -----

Eliza Fisher paid for Mrs. T. a $4 note - 1. _ ._

Change out by {Two letters or symbols, maybe initials, are written by cannot be deciphered} Half {Sou?} ----- 12.2

Bal.n sem. {illegible?} to Mr T. --- 7.106 {Below it reads: 'amo. of Acco - 8.4'}

Puttering morn.g aft.n Ch.r & W.d to Alex Roofing Shed

{eve?} Is have his oxen tomorrow & Saturday


rec.d of M. Jun. 21








fine 31


friday 20 Christ.n with Alex; oxen W.d our own ploughing

Hutchinson wishes to have a p.n of Pigs in the Spring he took up today a Staff Durham Bull, {A word has been scratched out} 16 months old a g.o yearling Heifer - & a Cow 1/2 Durham 1/2 Ayrshire - {qu?}:

Alex had ' 3 pints Whisky WT & {Rotesh?}
- - - - fine high wind aft.n 40 58
Saturday 21
Sunday 22
1843 October
Monday 23
Tuesday 24
Wednesday 25
thursday 26
friday 27
Saturday 28
Sunday 29
Monday 30
Tuesday 31
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