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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 42.pdf

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1844 August

Monday 5 Is'c mowd Grafs & Strawberry beds in Garden - ev'g to Stratford to get Carpenters help - no succefs - Christ'n & W'd hunting after Cattle & pottering -

Chas to Wilmot - brot from Homekers 1200 feet Siding & 50 feet flooring - (Alex with Ad. Seigmiller also went for Lumber 1- Exps

Chas ret'd $2 gave him 3d inst & $ this morning

signed a Letter to Com'n of Canada Co (red'd from Daly ) stating my has'g desposed of my right & interest in Lot 24 No Easthope to Wm Sam Whaley & requesting them to transfer the same to him & open the Deed in his name on his paying my promifsory notes now in their hands

& then relieving me from all liability to the Can'a Comp'y , as I am on my part hereby also irreversbly return in Comp'y from al claims & liabilities as to the aforesaid Land or anything connected (herewith - Witnefsed by Isaac & Christ'n Sm Wats. 7 1/2
7 1/2 wet aftern'n & night 52
Tuesday 6 unloading & piling Lumber brought up yesterday - hunting after oxen Duke not found - Grinding Scythes - & pottering - Christ'n at Alex's afternoon Isaac brot in 4 pheasants - Mr Hickey dined with us.- fine 61 56
Wednesday 7 Isaac making high hses for Carl - Christ'n hunting after oxen - Charles at Jno Stewarts for the day cradling Fall wheat

Wilfred & Alex to Wilmot after breakfast - both Waggons - gave pd L32 ret'd Bal'ce

ret'd @ 9 pm brot as under

240 feet seasoned flooring

200 --- green Do

4000 Shingles - 3000 @ 12 /. 1000 @ 7 /yk

paid Homeker for 800 feet flooring @ 8/yk -
2 - - fine till 8 pm then light rain
200 ----- 7 y --- 8 9
1300 Siding --- 5/ --- 2 - 7 1/2
3000 Shingles - 12/ --- 1 2 6
1000 Steam Do -- 7/ --- 4 4 1/2
5 16 3
pd Scott for 5 Gall's Whisky -- @ 2/9 yk -- 8 7
Expenses Sowd Half Bed Red Onions 1 10 1/2
1844 August
Thursday 8 Isaac & W'd making Axles tree & rack to Cart - Christ'n pottering

- Chas to Stratford - brot from Dalys 6 Bush's Oats @ 1/3 C7 &

preparing for his journey tomorrow -

Isaac took to Stratford even'g
gloomy but fair 68
Friday 9 Gave to Mr Daly promifsory note to the Canada Company on order of this Date P L37 10 Currency with Interest from 13th May 1833 being for Lot 38 in 1st Con South Easthope - signd Martha Thompson & Emily Thompson.

Isaac & Christ'n clearing Chaff out of West Barn - W'd plough'g till 4 pm

Charles left @ 8 1/2 for Hamilton taking Mrs Meany Annie & Jas $72
heavy show'r aft'n rain in n't or early m'g 64
Saturday 10 Wilfred ploughing - Isaac & Christ'n underbrushing South - Even'g Isaac to Stratford & engaged Terrya Carpenter to come on Monday @ 5/ a day Dr Moore pd William a visit - afterw'ds to Mrs Crerar fine 55 56
Sunday 11 Isaac & Christ'n at Stratford Hickey . -- Do 52 51
Monday 12 W'd to Stratford with oxen & Cart to bring Terry & his Box of tools

- brought the tools but Terry was not to be found - Thus not come this even'g

Is & Christ'n killd last Sheep & pottering -

at 6 pm Chas arr'd from Hamilton with Ellen & the Children all well

Expences pass on the road 19/4 1/2 Gates 2/10
1 2 2 1/2 Do 43 56
paid Dan'l Maenah for 130 lb Cut Nails Assorted @ $ 4 1/2 1 9 3
Tuesday 13 Chas ploughing So. with oxen - the rest putting Boards & Shingling House. -- Cut Sage & Savory for Winter use fine till 8 1/2 pm & then rain 52 60
Wednesday 14 All shingling - Emily to Stratford after dinner - brot letter from Mrs Jos -- Mary Cousins came today - heavy rain 4@ 5 pm 59 59
Thursday 15 Chas ploughing - the rest Shingling - Alex to Galt - gave him Ferries due Note for 3 Bl flour which he is to bring for us -- Harris of Galt left an 18 Gall'ns Cask of Beer - to call for pay borrowed fine 59 66
Friday 16 Harris calld & has the cask which Wm & Is'c brot from Galt on their way up

Ellen pd for the Beer had yesterday 15/. --

Wilfred ploughing - the rest cutting peas --

Alex ret'd @ 9 pm bringing a Barrel of flour from Ferries on their Due note & a Rocking Chair for William from @ $ 6 1/2

Mrs Meany & James came with him

Annie remains at Mrs Gournlock, Toronto
fine 66 74 lightning
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