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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 60.pdf

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1845 August

Friday 1 Christ'n & Riley turning Hay morn'g - aft'n with W'd hauld the whold Loads into Barn - W'd afsisting Hine morning & evening

Margaret Crerar came as Help - G 72

rec'd of Stage driver for feet Lumber
~ 7 6 shower morn'g aftern'n fine 47 52
Saturday 2 Christ'n & W'd with Waggon to Stratford for Lumber &c

brot from P.O., a pd letter from Mrs Barron

Riley dragging &c

pd Salisbury tailor for remaking Coat $4 lip viz 6
~ 19 6 fine 43 52
" T Riley in full of Wage to this day $4 -- 1 ~ ~
" Martha power of Aunt Jane 1.4.7 M Thompson{signature}

"Christ'n -- ------- Do 1.4.7 C Thompson{signature}

" Wilfred ------ Do 1.4.7 W'd Thompson{signature}

Riley & Hine home this evening
Sunday 3 All (self excepted) to Stratford to hear Mr Allsworth a Congregationalist fine 59
Monday 4 W'd to Wilmot 9 am $4 & Z/.yk. ret'd @ 8 pm - Hine carpentering

pd Sutts acco't for fulling Cloth ----- .6.2

Jas Merland for 200 lbs Flour @ $4 1/2 this day - 1.1.3

pd Do Hagersville for 3 Oak Stairs 2.6
1 7 5 Do 51 60
Plum for Screw & Linch pin made to Waggon -- 7 1/2

Expences --- 1.2

Christ'n setting fire to Log Heaps - Riley dragging with Nell

Wm Crerar calld at 9 3/4 pm & raised Ch'r out of bed to help him to get our Pigs out of his Wheat
4 1 1/2
Tuesday 5 Christ'n & Riley burning all day - W'd Do morn'g aft'n with Hine Riley to Stratford after supper fine 51 84 3 oC 66
Wednesday 6 Christ'n & Riley burning & raking up ashes - Wilf'd helping Hine Hine to Village after tea - Martha & Ellen to Stratford to hear Mr Allsworth & to sleep at Mrs Daly's -- fine 84 3 oC 52 66
Thursday 7 Hine ret'd @ 6 1/2 am bringing Is Robinson & Terry - C'r W'd & Riley at Ashes fine 58 68
Friday 8 Whaley Sen'r & Boy cmae to rake & bind Fall Wheat - Christ'n Do Wilf & Riley Cradling - Terry left this evening afer tea. a light show'r before day light - after fine 64 67
Saturday 9 W'd at Ashes. Christ'n & Riley Cradling Wheat binding &c

Hine & Joe Robinson left at 7 pm - Jno Stewart brot fm P. Office

a pd letter from Ellen & 2 Inquirers 1d owing In
7 1/2 fine thunder - no rain
paid Washers ~ 3
paid W Hine on acco't ~ 10 ~
1845 August
Sunday 10 Wilfred $72 - left @ 7 for Hamilton Charley & Bell - Riley to Stratford after breakf't shower 1/2 hour 4 @ 5 62 Barometer sunk 1/2 in 66
Monday 11 Riley absent today - Hine preparing flooring - Ch'r pottering - twie after Bears latter time evening saw an old one & 2 cubs -- 2 or 3 heavy showers 65 58
Tuesday 12 Christ'n & a ot of neighbours out this morning @5 after the Bears but did not see any - Rankin heard one - Christ'n & Riley (who ret'd this morn'g Cradling &c - @ 6 W'd arr'd from Hamilton with Mrs Barron Emily B.

Emily T Baby & Louisa Lloyd - Brot from John 2 Half Boxes - 100 feet Glafs 8 by 10

paid at Ferries for 4 Flour Barrels had b feb 44 -- 6.3

at Hamilton for Lock for front Door --- 6.3

Pencil 1d Pen holder 7 1/2
~ 13 2 1/2 fine 49 59

1.17.10 1/2

1.12.1 1/2 Bal ret'd

traveling expences pld's acco't
1 4 8
Wednesday 13 Rain morning - Riley cleaning West Barn &c C & W pottering aftern'n W'd Cradling - Riley & Ch'r binding &c &c show'rs pm 59 62
Thursday 14 Octo pops upon us very unexpectedly this morning @ 11 1/2 .

Christ'n, W'd & Riley cradling &c Siberian - Mrs B in bed with Headache - Hine flooring

evening 6 @ 7 Mifs Lloyd Emily Ch'r & Octo to Stratford
fine 50 58
Friday 15 Octo in Bush with Gun for an hour or two - saw nothing - the rest engaged as yesterday Bull got over fence into Garden @ 8 pm but being heard was got out in with crifting damage fine 54 64
Saturday 16 Had from Donald Stewart a quarter Veal 14 lbs exactly at Market price

Chr'r & Riley finished Cradling n Siberian Wheat - Wilf'd & Octo Do aftern'n

Wilf'd & Ch'r & Riley hauling Fall Wheat into West Barn - Waggon broke down with the last Load which remained exposed --

Hine left after tea &c - Cattle in Wheat So this morn'g - repaired fence & Gate West
Do 50
Sunday 17 Ch'r Octo M. E. Mifs Lloyd - Emily & Ellen in Waggon to Stratford

. Mr Allsworth - ret'd ab't 3

Mr Barron arr'd by Stage from Goderich @ 6 pm & Octo left by the same for Hamilton at the commencement of a storm of thunder rain &c which lasted till 9 - tea had been prepared in new room , but we were obligdto quit in double quick time to escape a soaking - poor Octo must have suffered. - as well as the Wheat &c - Riley to Stratford after breakfast

ordered by Octo . 2 Kegs White Lead - Boild Linseed Oct in proportion & Lethinger of {illegible} - reminded John of the putty previously orderd
gloomy @6 pm thunder storm cont'd till near 9 54
for Monday see below Monday 18
Monday 18 repair Hog fence blown down yesterday - cradling &c Spring Wheat Killd White Pig No 2
Tuesday 19 Paid Wm Hine on acco't ---- $5 - Willy Hine 1 5 ~ 67
Paid Brickers for Stew 1844 -- $5 Levi Garkel 1 5 -
borrowed of Mrs Barron a $5 note Mont'l Bank (Thorne)

C W & Riley at Spring Wheat - Hine came between 10 & 11 -- @ 11 pm Mrs Barron Baby & Emily Stage to Stratford en route to Lake Haron &c

Mr B walkd - no room - Mr & Mrs Daly calld to see the Child
1 5 vide 3 Sep'r
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