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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 80.pdf

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1846 June

Monday 15 Hine to breakfast - Dr Moore left after Do - Denny to Daly & M. with a note for Mustard Rice Salts &c - brot mustard only.

Dragging fallow with Horses - Hunting Cattle - mending fence - mowing Grafs in Garden &c.

Hamilton came after Service at Stratford - last of Sacrament days

found Turkey No 2 with 3 Chicks & No. 3 with
fine 57 62
Tuesday 16 W'd to Duncan the Smiths - afsisting Hamilton &c Simon hunting after Oxen & afsisting Hamilton - Dr Moore paid a visit to Martha - reports her to be very much better Had Margaret Crerar for the day - Hines at -- fine 54 57
Wednesday 17 W'd to Caseys & brot Bush'ls Lime - Hime & Hamilton as usual

Simon & Denny afsisting the latter

Wilson Alex'r Orr Annie & Mifs Hearst calld evening
fine 46 65
Thursday 18 Denny to L. Moores for Medicine & a Note requesting hime to call to see Martha who had a bad night - he came & bled her, & gave Calomel powders &c - dined & took tea &c W'd & Simon afsisting Hamilton thund'r show'r even'g 8 or 9 63 70
Friday 19 Martha has had a rather restlefs night with quick pulse - more disposed to sleep this m'g 5 am - thunder - Hine & Hamilton & Mat work as yesterday - Dr Moore a visit morn'g & ev'g & sleeps here thunder show'r aft'n 66
Saturday 20 Dr Moore left @ 4 am after seeing Martha Hine Hamilton W'd & the Boys as yesterday - Simon splitting rails on Road afternoon - Denny to Stratford - no letters brot 1 lb Tea fm D & M fine 50
Sunday 21 Martha having a bad night, Wilf'd @ 5 am for Dr Moore who remained till 4 or 5 - & after visiting Mr Fraser Sen'r &c returned about 10 & remains the night - Denny to P. Office with letter Mrs T. to Ellen & a Not Mrs T. to Mrs Daly - Brot a few lines Mr D. to me Do 47
Monday 22 Dr M. left us about 9 - W'd & Simon splitting rails West - Denny to Stratford for Chloride of Lime &c. brot a quarter Mutton or Lamb from Woods no Bull again got over the fence N.E. corner - Leek & Fennel came today Do 47 56
Tuesday 23 Denny to Cowmans Anglins & Sargints & Fryfogels for Bladder without succefs W'd & Simon splitting rails - Denny dragging - evening Leah to Dr Moore who will come tomorrow m'g - got a small bladder at Woods Butcher Do 46 55
1846 June
Wednesday 24 receivd of Ia's Rankin for Hec. 1845 12 4 1/2 fine 45 56
Pd him on acco't WH Hine - who ret'd this morning to breakfast 1 10 1/2
Wilf'd & Simon at Rail work & making Axe handles Denny pottering & ev'g to P.Office - no letters or papers Sn. 7 1/2
Dr Moore visited M. @ 12 1/2 - report favourable but wants Leaches W'd & S. tried this ev'g but too late to see any - 2 young Can'ys
Thursday 25 W'd at Rankins for the day putting Rafters on to Barn - Hine Simon chopping So East - Denny gardening - he got 4 Leeches m'g

sent by Mrs Norton a pafsing in the Stage & known to John & Octo a Letter (a parcel) Mrs T. to John to send by return 1/2 oz. Iodurel of Lead (each about 5/ p oz) & 1 to Epsom Salts --

paid Mrs Roy & Ann Stewart ------
3 ~ fine 45 66
Friday 26 Simon chopping am & pm W'd Do morn'g aft'n to Jno Stewarts putting rafters on Barn - Denny to Stratford - brot from Mitchells a parcel
2 inch hinges & from Woods a Bullocks Bladder - & pottering
Hine at Dining room door &c - Emily arrived p Stage a little after 12 n't
fine 58 68
Saturday 27 Simon chopping - W'd to Stratford for Emilys trunk - which had been taken by mistake & carried up one left belonging to another pafsenger

Henry sent 2 Long tail young Canaries with a double & single Cage

from Ellen a note containing L16 = 46 on acco't

W'd brot from P. Office a Letter Aunt Jane to Mrs T & 3 Papers

Dr M. came @ 7 pm & remains the night - Hine left after dinner
10 few show'rs Do in the night 62 -
Sunday 28 Dr Moore left us @ 11 1/2 - Sim. & Den. with their friends - ret'd ev'g light show'r m'g early ev'g fine 64
Monday 29 fine 62 63
Tuesday 30 Do 64 68
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